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  1. E

    220L Stocking Advice

    hi Thanks dimensions are l120 cm h50cm side 25cm max side 48cm  (bow front tank)
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    220L Stocking Advice

    Hi im just going through a fish-less cycle for a 220l tank with an external filter and also going to have  live plants and driftwood in the center of the tank   At the moment this is what i have in mind.   6x gold barb 1x rugby shark 3x kissing gourami 3x blue gourami 2x angelfish 2x pear...
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    Lighting For 220L

    Hi yes its 4 feet   Thanks for your answer
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    Lighting For 220L

    Hi ive been offered a 220l bow front aquarium but it needs new lights and was wondering if these would do the job  planning to have some...
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    Pump/filter Broke

    thanks both of you after giving it a nudge its working again :)
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    Pump/filter Broke

    hi, just doing my usual cleaning of the tank and when, i went to turn the filter back on, its vibrating a bit but not pumping any water out, this happened last week but i just unplugged and it worked again but not today, so what i want to no will my fish be okay till tomoz and i have also put in...
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    Black Ballon Mollies White Spots Fungus ?

    Thanks for that i went out yesterday and brought interpet anti-white spot plus and i treated the water and i have to repeat in 4 days sunday, now i normally do a water change every friday should i leave it this week ?
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    Black Ballon Mollies White Spots Fungus ?

    last week both my mollies had white spots im prety sure it wasnt ich, instead fungus as i could see the white spots were poking out of the surface of the fish and it was on tail and the body. but then i couple a days later the white spots had gone, but now again today the white spots are back...
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    Stock Level For 96 Ltr

    hi, im new to keeping tropical fish and my 96ltr tank was fully cycled and so ive added 10x neon tetras, 3x guppies and 2 platy`s couple of days ago and ive been testing the water and all seems okay :) and also i have quite a few live plants and im just wondering if i can add any more fish ? Thanks