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    My Seneye Review

    THanks for getting back so quick. How did things work out with your Seneye? Did you return it or did you suffer on with it?
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    My Seneye Review

    I see the software does not operate on Mac's...very annoying...would it run on a Netbook?
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    My Seneye Review

    Did not expect to get such a quick response to my enquiry...but very glad I asked the Forum. For although the trade info. sounds great! I thought it might be too good...I even checked out 'the tube'. KISSfn sorry to hear that despite initial good impressions, this appears to be a 'lemon'. Seneye...
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    Seneye Usb Home Solution

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone out there has had any experience of the Seneye USB Home Solution for aquariums? Or is this just another gimic gadget...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    6.8 ph; 0.25 ppm ammonia; 0.00 ppm nitrite; 20 ppm nitrate; 24 C temperature. The blimp in the ammonia reading I have put down to overfeeding. I know that various Forums & Books will quote my temperature as being within range or to the lower end for Bettas. Like everything everyone has...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Large well known pet store as found located in and around supermarket...should have known better...but fish looked ok If possible...better to buy from other fish keepers or small local pet shop who depend on keeping their good reputation. When i do buy more fish i`ll be going to Lisburn...
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    Tetra Tank

    Since testing with the API kit...pH has been in the range of 6.6 to 7.2; ammonia 0.0 to 0.50 ppm; nitrite 0.0 to 0.25 ppm & nitrate 0.0 to 40.0 ppm. I carryout a 20% to 30% water change whenever any of the results for ammonia or nitrite go high i.e. above 0. I also use API Accu-Clear; API...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Alas, my Betta past obvious sign of cause although two of the harequins went the same way. All very puzzling...although after some detective work I discovered that both the Betta & the harlequins came from the same pet store. As all my other fish appear healthy and the various tests of...
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    Tetra Tank

    Rushed out at lunchtime and purchased the complete API testing kit from nearest Pet it home this evening and after reading instructions carried out all of the tests just to check against other readings...all tested safe...thank goodness. However, money well spent much prefer this kit...
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    Tetra Tank

    You have me worried, although all is fine and fish are doing well. I had planned to carry out a 20% water change on Wednesday...looks like i will be doing this tomorrow what water testing kits do you recommend ?
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    Hello From N Ireland

    So far 1 Betta, 5 Platys, 5 Algae Shrimp, 4 Harlequins & 6 Cardinals. If they do ok might beef up the Cardinal & Harlequin numbers near Christmas.
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    Planting Suggestions

    Two types: the first is a pair of high output T5 Power Compact lamps, which I understand some refer to as PC lamps which are bright white 10,000K the second is Blue LED...for that romantic moonlight look that some fish like. Can't tell you much more than that. It's a 94 L Fish-BoxPro by...
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    Tetra Tank

    I used the New Aquarium Start Up Kit and 21 day guide produced by Interpet as my "blue print'. Not wanting to rely on just one manufacturer/testing method, I used both API 5 in 1 test strips and Interpet Broad Range ph Test tablets & Nitrite Test tablets. So far so good.
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    Planting Suggestions

    It's a 94 L Fish-BoxPro by Interpet, which I gather a lot of people refer to as Riverreef aquarium. So far I'm pleased with it...only issue with this aquarium like similar of the type is the run off of condensation when the lid is opened. However, I'm getting the knack of holding a towel to...
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    New To All This

    Welcome, everyone here appears to be friendly and only too happy to help out and give sound advice. I would suggest Kuhli Loach (if for no other reason than I would like one for my aquarium) however they grow 7cm to 10cm in length when fully mature...and they are more active in the evenings and...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Good to find others from NI...what are your setups? Just got given a Siamese Fighter today and have rather gingerly added him to my 94 L community tank. If anything he has settled down fights! not even with his reflection. He appears to like resting/hiding in the Lilaeposis, which...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    With the fishless cycle I used Interpet Filter Start & Fresh Start. and API Accu-Clear. I know some members recommend anything from 30 days to 70 days for a cycle...I used a 20 day cycle with lots of monitoring & testing before adding planting and lately stock. What stock I have added has been...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Yes, fishless cycle with lots of monitoring of water & much testing. All has gone far.
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    Found A Snail In My Aquarium?!

    Yes, they will eat algea and surplus un eaten food, which are plus points. However, from past experience I would remove all but one from the tank. Easy to keep count & control of one snail...but never let them get out of control and avoid chemicals to control them...not good for fish or plants.
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    Planting Suggestions

    Having planted the Hydrocotyle verticillata - foreground Lilaeopsis mauritiana - forground Rotala rotundifolia - background Nesaea crassicaulis - background Have I made the right choice? Well...all appear to be settling in well and showing signs of new growth and new roots being sent out...
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    Tetra Tank

    94 L tank...approx. 500 mm wide, 400 mm deep by 500mm high. Tank water stable & testing ideal for adding stock. Started off by adding 5 algea eating shrimp and 5 platys...all went well with no issues. Today I added 6 cardinal tetras (decided omit neons) and 4 harlequin's...again no issues and...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Totally fishless for about two weeks now... If PH reading remain stable and nitrate levels are acceptable I would hope to add six tetras over the course of the weekend. But, will not risk it if water etc is not right. The four plants that I introduced on Sunday appear to be happy with new...
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    Tetra Tank

    Any suggestions for stocking an interesting 94L tropical freshwater aquarium? I'm thinking of Cardinal Tetra, Marbled Hatchet Tetra, Peppered Catfish, Cherry Shrimp, Golden Barb, Neon Tetra & Swordtail. Most likely six of each, introduced at weekly intervals. Anyone got any...
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    Planting Suggestions

    Hi, I've recently added four plants to my somewhat barren 94L aquarium. Hydrocotyle verticillata - foreground Lilaeopsis mauritiana - forground Rotala rotundifolia - background Nesaea crassicaulis - background Have I made the right choice? Or are there any other plants I should look at or...
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    Stocking A 60L Or 90L Tank

    I've seen Dwarf Gourami in small aquarium of 60 cm. However, Dwarf Gourami sometimes become very skittish. They are a peaceful fish species growing to about 9 cm and can be kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species. But don't keep two or more males together, they will...
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    Hello From N Ireland

    Hello, This is all new to me so please forgive if I'm not doing this correctly. Recently purchased a 94l Interpet aquarium to set up as a tropical freshwater aquarium. Have run the usual water test for leaks for a week...none apparent. So on Saturday added aquarium sand & 4 basic...