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  1. L

    Anubias Nana Question about setting in

    Gee thanks for that info i didn't know that just goes to show you learn something new every day :D
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    bumblebee goby

    I have 4 bumblebee goby's in my tank that live with 2 goldfish and 3 guppies and haven't had any problem they seem to keep to themself. :P
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    New Tank Syndrome

    no i did the test and it came back fine
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    New Tank Syndrome

    thanks everyone for your help i end up getting an amonia test kit today and did the test seems the water is fine.
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    New Tank Syndrome

    so do i do a water change now??? :dunno:
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    New Tank Syndrome

    how about if i put 1 goldfish in the tank????
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    New Tank Syndrome

    it was all my fish that died. so i should live the water in then. anyone having trouble posting messages today?
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    New Tank Syndrome

    Hi there i was a question about new tank syndrome. I have had a 150 litre tank set up for one and a half weeks i had 2 tiger barbs and one red tail shark which died yesterday. I was wondering if i should emply the tank and start again or can i do a fishless cycle now. What should i do???