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  1. R

    Red (bloody?) Eye

    Well there's nothing else really wrong with her except her eye and it actually looks like it's clearing up at the moment. She's starting to swim around a lot more and her eye is less red. Maybe she just bumped it or something? I will just wait and see what happens. I only did a water change 2...
  2. R

    Red (bloody?) Eye

    I've just come back from holidays and noticed that one of my Swordtails has a red eye (looks like it could be bloody). She seems healthy otherwise and although she hides more than the others she's still coming out and feeding... Her other eye looks fine and her scales and colour seems good. She...
  3. R

    what is your favourite cory?

    I just got two corydoras similis the other day (although the stupid guy in the shop sold them to me as peppered corys... won't go there again). They are very cute (my husband thinks so too) and if you watch long enough they may just wink at you.... ;) I was quite surprised actually that they...
  4. R

    sexing baby Swordtails

    Hmmm... I keep looking for the gonopodium that the males have because I heard that the 'sword' tails can develop late... thought maybe that I'd be able to identify the gonopodium earlier... Oh well, I'll just have to wait a bit... thanks for your replies though! :)
  5. R

    Noisy Jebo Filter

    Yeah, I've found that the noise comes and goes... most of the time if I just leave it alone the noise goes away. My husband thinks it could be air getting stuck in the pump or something similar???
  6. R

    sexing baby Swordtails

    I have some baby swordtails. They are now a little over a month old. I am trying to determine their sex but I'm not sure if it's possible yet. At about what age should I be able to tell the sex of my swordtail babies? Thankyou!
  7. R

    Noisy Jebo Filter

    I'm having a similar problem... although the noise comes and goes. Does anyone know what to do about it?