Search results

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    Colin Mcrae

    I couldn't believe it when I saw it on Digg today, I thought it was a fake article. RIP Colin McRae, the driver who got me interested in the sport.
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    Over Grown Pleco With Swimming Problems

    Obvious troll is OBVIOUS! What, they kick you out of /b/ for failure? Learn2troll and gb2gaia.
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    To Wow Fans- Wrath Of The Lich King

    Its a new class, you have to unlock it though. So basically you do a questline at level 80 and you unlock the ability to make one. But when you make one, it will already have levels. What level they start as we haven't been told yet (unless they did it today at Blizzcon, I've been out all day...
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    My Chemical Romance Concert Tomorrow

    I lol'd, too true. Never be caught at one of those. For the record, I dont like MCR. My girlfriend and her sister had an extra ticket and invited me.
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    My Chemical Romance Concert Tomorrow

    Im going with two 14 year old girls (I'm 15) No parent, very bad part of town (or so my dad says) Any tips on not getting shot/beaten up? :P Anything I should look out for in the concert? Edited to say: Mainly, this is my first concert that isnt a bluegrass/bar room and I have no...
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    To Wow Fans- Wrath Of The Lich King Level cap is 80. Hero classes: Death Knight And more Hopefully we get more information during Blizzcon this weekend.
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    Munch Munch Munch - Feeding Time!

    That is one smexy snake.
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    The Bourne Ultimatum

    I cant wait to see it, my dad and I are also huge fans, we might be going to see this weekend :D
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    28 Weeks Later

    QFT! That last scene was awesome.
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    Need A Mod Please!

    Tolak, you did VERY well, I was surprised at how quick you got the ban on. I've seen forum raids that go on for hours without anything. :D
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    Rogues Gallery

    Wow, what an old picture of me xD Me, a year and a half later. Hopefully a few of you remember me :D
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    I just joined the school team for rowing. I only rowed for a week, but will start again for the whole year in August. Anyone else here row?
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    Anyone here listen to ska? I was in the Caribbean for a few days, and got to go to Carnival the first two nights on St John (I think). Both nights they had ska bands playing live and I got hooked. I, personally like Sublime and Reel Big Fish
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    Addiction At It's Finest...

    Grats! This is like 203? 204? well, I still got a ways to go :P
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    Do You Play?

    I play the viola, I have a guitar but I don't know how to p;lay it unfortunately. I also want to get into playing the violin, which is actually pretty different than the viola.
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    Saw it Sunday day went out and boguht the soundtrack. It was great, I hope I can see it again sometime. My dad works with someone who knows the director of arts, so we were in row 5 :D
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    Because I Like To Show Off...

    Woah, I didnt know jackpot was that I know where I'm going for fun in a few years. :shifty: My dad jst informed me though that I can't get a tattoo yet (which makes sense as i have to wait till I finish growing, only 14 lol) but he has agreed to let me get a few airbrushed on to...
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    Because I Like To Show Off...

    Great tattoos! Sorry for being nosey though but, why Twin? And where are the good places to go for if my dad lets me get one! (I live an hour north of Twin in a tiny nothing town, so i go down there regularly to shop.)
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    Cycling With...brine Shrimp?

    I just had the idea of putting a few brine shrimp in my bettas (hes on the way) tank to maybe get things goin before he comes. If they are still alive when he gets here he will simply eat them and thats the end of it and I won't have to worry about another fish to keep in another tank, as I dont...
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    Hahaha! We all deserved that, I was laughing so hard when it hit 0!
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    I'm going to be on tonight at 10pm mt time to watch the counter reach zero (on my old computer hahaha) If any one would like to join m my msn is [email protected] or we could meet in the chatroom.
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    Hey every one How many of you heard of this eon8 thing? that site is an investigation of this eon8 thing. wikipedia's artile on it. enter at your OWN RISK, I might add tha they have an IP tracker.
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    New Keyboard!

    Optimus Keyboard I saw this in a game informer a few months ago, and some one on another forum posted the link. I would absolutely love this keyboard lol...too bad I have a laptop!
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    Guppy Question

    Bettas and guppies is a bad idea. Male bettas will attack anything with colorful fins that closely resembles another betta. and betta females in the tank would require alot of hiding places and you would need at least 4, but with guppies in that tank, it would be closed to overstocked, if not...
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    Family Section

    The only problem I could see with this is people asking for help on family matters, especially teens after getting in a fight with parents or siblings (yes, even me, I'm a teen too lol). Edit: Forgot to say this isn't a bad idea, just that the asking for help might be a problem.
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    Bettas And Meatballs

    It probably all depends on what's in the meatball. I'm sure some recipes are better than others for fish I bet. I do agree with Loko though about feeding a tiny bit every few months.
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    Quick Dog Question

    Thank you very much for the help, set me at ease. Hes livening up now :D .
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    Quick Dog Question

    My dog, 9 or 10 years old now (poor dog also has a skin disease i forget the name of, but thats not the problem), has been lethargic all day (which is normal as we went on a 4 mile hike with him and his bad leg needs a rest) but he has also had his tounge sort of lolling out the whole time. It...
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    Hey every one! My dad got us tickets to go see Les Miserables next Sunday. I hear the play is excellent, but I was wondering what every one here thought of it. I read the book last year and I'm currently reading it again. I loved the story, and now I'm finally seeing the play :D!
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    I Need A Volunteer/volunteers!

    Sounds good to me.
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    I Need A Volunteer/volunteers!

    I can help too if you need it. I cant start for a weeks as the first week or two I'm in Dallas I will be busy with some stuff, but I can start anytime after for the summer and a little bit during the school year.
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    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    I was just watching X-Play (its on the G4 channel, great show) and they previewed the new Zelda for the Wii! That bugs me, because i still play Zelda: Ocarina of Time on my N64.......I'm going to have to buy the Wii now lol. I still want Xbox 360 though :/
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    Just Built A New Website

    I joined, looks good. I've designed websites before in a class at school, but I'd like to get more in-depth with it, so I figured your site would be as good as any to learn off of. :D
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    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    Yeah, that was me :D I could tell every one was stressed so I didnt say anything, got nervous (I guess Im a wimp that way, lol) :blush:
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    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    I think i got there right after the auction, still picked up a very nice male! I'll post pics later
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    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    Glad to hear it went well, I couldn't make it, we got stuck in Dallas all day. Then once we got to Fort Worth we were too late and went to Josh Turner in stead (it was a good concert). I'm trying to be there for the auction though, can't wait!
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    Texas Betta Society Betta Show

    SWEET, maybe i can finally come to a show, I'll be flying to dallas on friday. (My dad just moved there, im going on long weekends and summer :D ) Thanks for the info on it wuv.
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    Your Favourite Author

    mine inlclude Robert Jordan-wheel of time series is great if you want to read a good fantasy, though he was written other books under different names (reagan o'neal is one i think) which i find odd Terry Pratchett
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    share with us your limericks please! mine is- There was a Betta Splenden Every one thought he was splendid! With a swish of his tail, He gave a wail For he had gotton upended sorry for the bad one, but im doing homework now and i have to write them, had to do a fishy one :lol: