Search results

  1. K

    I need Bottomfeeder Recomendations

    ghost shrimp will reproduce like roaches in your tank. some fish may eat the young and keep the population in check (depending on fish in your tank). amanos will carry eggs but they will not mature (massive fish-geek babysitting involving saline to even attempt this). i agree with the shrimp...
  2. K

    2 pairs of gold rams in my 20 gallon long?

    i currently have a 20 gallon long tank. it's heavily planted, and its current inhabitants are 5 dwarf corys (habrosus), 3 otocinclus, and a pair of killies (a. australe). can i put 2 pairs of gold rams in here? how about one pair? thanks in advance. btw, i have some flat rocks making a...