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  1. Chanmeir


    Hi, wow! Thanks. I've been learning so much. My 'big momma' is still pregnant though. I really hope she's going to be just fine, she doesn't seem stressed unless I'm reading the signs wrong. Thank you very very much for your help! I reaaly do appreciate it. And yes, the person I got them from...
  2. Chanmeir


    That's my problem. I've downloaded a lot of info off the net and almost all of the fish are supposed to be 'peaceful'. I have a mean angel and almost all my silvertips are nippy. I checked the compatibility too - said they're all fine together and the petshops also said they're good.
  3. Chanmeir


    Noted - thank you!
  4. Chanmeir


    Sorry, 120 litres apparently
  5. Chanmeir


    I definitely will.. The other day I gave away about 30 guppies but it looked like only 10 or 15.. So if I remove the guppies and angels will it still be overstocked? I'd like to get more Neon Tetras. Are Silvertip Tetras aggressive? I looked them up and the web says they're very peaceful but...
  6. Chanmeir


    I want to put only angels in one tank and definitely re-home a lot of those guppies. I don't really want so many guppies. I actually only have them because of someone else wanting to get rid of them. Will that also be better? Thank you very much for the advice - will certainly try it out.
  7. Chanmeir


    Really? Gees the tank almost seems more empty than full of fish. :( Really? Gees the tank almost seems more empty than full of fish. :(
  8. Chanmeir

    I'm still new - please help me don't judge me...

    I'm still new - please help me don't judge me...
  9. Chanmeir


    100litre tank, undergravel filter, estimated 30-40 guppies, 4 angels, 4 gouramis, 3 ghost catfish, 8 neon tetras, 6 head and tail light tetra, 6 silvertip tetras, 2 cory. I have a few pregnant guppies, but this one is really big and looks like she should have given birth a long time ago. She was...
  10. Chanmeir


    Hi all, Please help.. What do I do?
  11. m_big momma.jpg

    m_big momma.jpg
