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  1. Overload

    Rio 400 Re Stock After A Refurb

    I have almost completed a refurb on my Rio 400. The new set up is as follows:   Filters: Aquamata EFX 1500 U (external) Interpet Internal Power Filter PF4 Heaters: Hydor ETH 300 (300W external) Jewel Internal Heater 200W   Substrate: Tropica Plant Growth Substrate base layer Pea Single top...
  2. Overload

    Endlers Free To Good Home - Croydon

    Livestock: Black Bar & Blonde Endlers, Male and Female Quantity for sale: 10-20 Reason for Sale: Change of fish and lots of Breeding Delivery or Collection: Collection Only Sales price: Free to good home Postage & Packaging: NA Location: Croydon All negotiations and questions must be posted in...
  3. Overload

    Cherry Shrimp - 20 For £10

    I would be interested in about 60, I have pmed you
  4. Overload

    Endlers For Sale - Croydon

    Livestock: Black Bar & Blonde Endlers, Male and Female Quantity for sale: 10-20 Reason for Sale: Change of fish and lots of Breeding Delivery or Collection: Collection Only Sales price: Open to offers Postage & Packaging: NA Location: Croydon All negotiations and questions must be posted in...
  5. Overload

    Rummynose Tetra Dying

    Using API Master, but I also have a seachem PH and ammonia patches which match the api results
  6. Overload

    Rummynose Tetra Dying

    Fishless cycle add and wait method, there is a link to the log in my sig
  7. Overload

    Rummynose Tetra Dying

    Help, I had 19 rummynose tetra in my RIO 400 but 2 have died in the last 2 days. They have no signs of disease and water conditions are good (PH 7.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40, Temp 25) The tank has only finished cycling before the weekend and I had introduced the Rummynose over this...
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    Java Moss

    I will take the 2nd batch please.
  9. Overload

    Amazon Frogbit Loads

    payment sent
  10. Overload

    Cycle Journal

    Are the salifert ones the marine ones? They seem to be the only ones I can find
  11. Overload

    Peacock Moss

    How many portions do you have left? I will take 3 or 4 if available Might be able to collect as well, save on postage
  12. Overload

    Wanted Pair Or Trio Of Apistogramma Cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid)

    Cool let me know if they still do
  13. Overload

    Wanted Pair Or Trio Of Apistogramma Cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid)

    Livestock Wanted: Pair or Trio (1M 2F) Apistogramma cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid) I am based in Croydon, happy to collect if reasonable distance or pay for postage.
  14. Overload

    First Tank

    I dropped my dosing to 2ppm after the first zero for ammonia untill I got a zero for nitrite as well. When that happens remember to build the dose back up slowly (I brought it up another 1ppm everytime it was all cleared in 24 hours) I would also keep an eye on your ph even though, high Nitrate...
  15. Overload

    Various Fish For Sale

    No worries, hope he enjoys them
  16. Overload

    Rio 400 Cycle Log

    Been a busy few days so not been able to update the thread, but its all looking good. First plants arrived today (was not expecting them yet!) so have set them up with sand in the bottom of some coke bottles, should give them a hand until I can do the aquascaping in the next couple of days. I...
  17. Overload

    Plant Id

    OK so bought one of the 20 plants for a few quid things on ebay, arrived earlier than I expected but improvised with some washed coke bottle bottoms until I can aquascape properly (over the next couple of days). Anyway not 100% sure what I have got! So please identify if possible
  18. Overload

    Various Fish For Sale

    Hey, Are the Bristlenose Plecs still available? If so PM me and I will take them. Cheers
  19. Overload

    Todays Reading

    Whats the PH like in tank 2? Nitrates that high might cause a PH crash and stall the cycle
  20. Overload

    Cycle Journal

    Lol hayley thats what comes of cycling 3 tanks at once!
  21. Overload

    Rio 400 Cycle Log

    Crazy couple of days, Nitrites bounced and PH crashed and Nitrate went off the chart, I suspect the Nitrite bounce was related to the PH crash and high Nitrates so did a 100% water change, and while I was at it fitted the 405 with spray bar and changed the powerhead. Things look to be back on...
  22. Overload

    Hayleys New Cycle Log

    The editor and the submitted post are not identical, it took me some fiddeling about to get it right, also why I use the ~ on my log to seperate things
  23. Overload

    My First Fish Aquarium And My Betta Is Chasing The Molly Or Platys Occ

    make sure you keep changing the water in the bucket regularly, and get another bucket for the platy
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    What car do you have! Still you get the idea how it might be done?
  25. Overload


    Does a little red light not go on when you are low on fuel? There is your alarm, could be audible if it was a buzzer or speaker instead of a light
  26. Overload

    Aps/eagle Aquatic And Their Ilk

    As you may be aware I have an Eagle Aquatic HW-304 running as part of the set up on my Rio 400 tank which has almost finished cycling. Well I thought I would share my experience with it, when I first set it up the flow did not look that great and it was a bit noisy. I had picked up a new power...
  27. Overload

    Discus Fish Question Again

    Thanks Tolak and Kittykat, to live is to learn
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    I am guessing fuel gauge
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    Would not be surprised if there was, if not would not be an impossible build. Just look at how the valves in cistern for your toilet work, hard part would be how to have it alert you when triggered
  30. Overload

    Discus Fish Question Again

    I can't help with most of your questions, but with regard to the filter I would give this advice. I am assuming the "Parents Tank" and "Growing out Tank" are going to be separate versions of the units you are highlighting, not just sections within the one unit? and if you mean a 1000 l/h filter...
  31. Overload

    Ph Issue

    I thought it was the Nitrate that tended to form Nitric Acid to lower ph?
  32. Overload

    Fishless Cycle Going Very Fast!

    I would have thought this would be the cause, it might be very small particals you cant see that are breaking down
  33. Overload

    Hayley's Cycle Log

    You will get there hayley, your doing everything right just need to give it time
  34. Overload

    My First Fish Aquarium And My Betta Is Chasing The Molly Or Platys Occ

    The only thing you can do to control the ammonia untill you get a filter and cycle it is water changes.
  35. Overload

    New Tank (Keeping My Fish Alive) :(

    I use the API Freshwater Master kit, it has PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate which covers most of what you would need to check
  36. Overload

    My First Fish Aquarium And My Betta Is Chasing The Molly Or Platys Occ

    :hi: Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news but any tank with fish in will need a filter. In the mean time you need to be changing the water in your tank a lot!! (probably daily as a minimum, if not multiple times a day) I am guessing that you do not have a water test kit? After a filter...
  37. Overload

    Cycle Journal

    Does not surprise me, bacteria colonies grow exponentially, so the more you have the faster they grow. It why the Nitrite reading spike really high (often off the scale of the test kits) then drop really fast. One thing I would recommend is only dosing back to 2ppm of ammonia until you get your...
  38. Overload

    Rio 400 Cycle Log

    Thanks Tom, I am sure it will. Got 3 months to sort something out
  39. Overload

    Any Decent Shops In The Croyden Area.

    Did not know about that one, will have to add it to my visit list. My side of Croydon as well!
  40. Overload

    I Bought A Siphon Today And...

    Got to love ancient Greek technology