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  1. E


    I really do miss fishing, the last time i went fishing was in 2008 in Trondheim with my dad and ex. I caught a pollock for tea.... technically i did as i hooked it, just couldn't lift it out of the fjord... the ex took the credit for that catch. Before Norway i'd go to a local lake (owned by...
  2. E

    Advice To Nuisance Family Members And/or Friends?

    All guests who decide to turn up unannounced should not expect a hot beverage... or cold one for that matter (aimed at my mum), nor should they tell me how i should arrange my furnishings in my front room (also aimed at my mum.) Colleagues on the till behind me should leave chit chat for when...
  3. E

    Do You Eat Fish?

    You've just caused myself to feel immense guilt, maybe if you had been more diplomatic you wouldn't have done so. Maybe it's just me, but i doubt it.
  4. E

    Do You Eat Fish?

    Lateral Line i feel you are making quite an obvious attack on all those who eat fish. It's not your right to make all those who eat fish feel guilty. Others on this thread who don't eat fish simply said no.
  5. E

    Do You Eat Fish?

    I love smoked salmon, hot or cold smoke both are delicious caked in dill. Yum yum. I've tried king crab and lobster too, both were really tasty. I caught my own tea when i visited my dad in norway yummy pollock, should have been poached though, not thrown in soup. Also like mackeral very oily...
  6. E

    Other Hobbies Or Interests

    I generally love activities with my daughter so the park, gardening, baking (really yummy cakes hehe), dancing and singing poorly. Then my own hobbies are drawing, reading factual articles (mainly biology and animal care related), fishing but havent been for years! :o. I also like painting...
  7. E

    Lucid Dreaming

    Ive had lucid dreams before, woke up convinced ive done and had many things haha. Sometimes premonition dreams too which is freaky. My fave ones are when i run fast and start lifting into the sky. Can't nap on sofas as i wake up extremely disorientated, i stay disorientated for a few hours oh...
  8. E

    London Riots

    It's awful riots north, midlands and south. Truly disgusting. I say taser, water cannon, plastic bullet and baton the lunatics. It's pure terrorism. Government need to resort to "extreme" methods, those idiots arent going to be intimidated easily. I really do hope it stops soon.
  9. E

    Semi-Newb From Manchester!

    Hi also a newbie from Stockport too. I'm a full newbie with tropical though. Welcome :)
  10. E

    Hi :)

    Thanks for Welcome Colleen. I'll be getting some play sand very soon. Another question which plants go well with corys, gouramis and tetras? Looking at having a nice variety for the fish to explore. Ellen
  11. E

    Hi :)

    I shall be doing, I have a huuuge local aquatics warehouse (completely converted into a massive aquarium) nearby so on my fish purchase day i'll get lots of Pics of all the beauties there :). Very reasonable prices too. Fingers crossed my tank comes soon :D Ellen
  12. E

    Hi :)

    Ah brilliant, I'm just paranoid about overstocking :o. I'll definately get 6 cories, 6-8 tetras and the 4 honey gouramis. Thanks again, straightened out a good few worries I had. Ellen
  13. E

    Hi :)

    I keep on looking at adult sizes, removing however many of select fish from tank volume of 29. I'm still calculating a total of 32" of fish. Would that matter? Ellen
  14. E

    Hi :)

    Changed my list again haha.4-5 panda corydoras, 6 tetras and 2 honey gouramis. Finally ive made a compatible list... I hope. Ellen
  15. E

    Hi :)

    Thanks for the suggestions. I've calculated estimated adult sizes and I can get 6x tetras, 2x platy, 2x mollies and 1x corydoras. I'm hoping platies can live in pairs. Ellen
  16. E

    Hi :)

    Ah brilliant thanks. I now have the volume of the tank which is currently empty it's 29.0976 UK gallons, so 29 gallons will give me a reasonable community of fish. Will be running full fish-less cycle until I have clear readings, just waiting to get the tank now. So now the question is how...
  17. E

    Hi :)

    After a day of full on research I've a rough plan.3-4 black tetras, 3 platies, 2 crabs, maybe 1 blue gourami (female) and 4 guppies. I'll be finding out the tank capacity tonight, I've estimated it to be 20-30 gallons. Any advice on my new idea would be much appreciated :D also thanks again for...
  18. E

    Hi :)

    Thanks for the advice :). Which fish would you recommend for my tank size and water ph? Also thanks for the chart, a lot clearer than the ones I've seen. SchottayB thanks :) I strongly believe in researching any future pets, have seen the result of poor research at animal shelters. Ellen
  19. E

    Hi :)

    Thanks for the welcome :) I can't post on the tropical discussion board for some reason, so I have a few questions. Compatibility; which tropical fish are most compatible in reasonably soft water (6.0-7.0)ph. I was looking at the bala shark, red fin shark, 3 spot gourami and betta? Not sure...
  20. E

    Hi :)

    Hi there newbie doing some research before buying. Looking forward to getting tips and advice. Ellen