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  1. P

    whitespot ich?

    1 of my fish had a spot on its head a couple of months ago and i was told it was whitespot so purchased some treatment and all seemed fine.a week later some of my fish started rubbing themselves on rocks i looked it up and saw it was another sign of whitespot so got some more treatment but has...
  2. P

    large pleco

    its also nearly a foot long
  3. P

    large pleco

    i recently bought a 4ft tank from a mate which had a pleco living in it so i agreed to take it on but it poos loads and im worried about the water quality of my tank should i take it aquarium or just do more water changes
  4. P

    how many fish

    how many fish should i put in a 34 gallon tank
  5. P

    is adding salt good for tropical freshwater

    theyve got whitespot put in the full treatment but still no change will adding salt help this then :dunno:
  6. P

    is adding salt good for tropical freshwater

    ive read on a site that theres a lot of benifits from adding salt in tropical freshwater aquarium if this is true how much should i add in a 34 gallon tank and what type of salt
  7. P

    skin irritation

    :dunno: my fish seem to have skin irritation they are rubbing themselves on rocks i have esha 2000 to treat it but doesnt seem to be working can any1 help me?