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  1. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Betta laying on bottom and panting

    She was egg bound and it was too late. The Epsom salt was a good tip though. I had been trying that, but it was just too far along. Thank you for your advice.
  2. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Betta laying on bottom and panting

    Tank size: 7.5 Gallons pH: 8.0 (I know it is high, it is just this area's water) ammonia: None nitrite: None nitrate: .5 ppm kH: high (as always) gH: high (as always) tank temp: 77 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): The betta has...
  3. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Pygmy Corydoras; Cutest Things Ever?

    snap. Well at least he has the Cory's as friends now.
  4. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Pygmy Corydoras; Cutest Things Ever?

    Those are really cute, but are you sure they should be living with a betta? Most bettas tend to be aggressive, but I have heard of some fish that can live with them.
  5. bristlenoseitplecoman

    New Tank Project - Advice?

    I do not know too much about the cichlids and sharks except for the fact that cichlids tend to prefer being alone, and that both cichlids and sharks tend to be agressive and should not be put into a tank with peaceful community fish. If you do put these in combination with types of sharks that...
  6. bristlenoseitplecoman

    I.d My Pleco Please.

    BN Plecos are the best. I agree that is a BN pleco. reminds me of when mine was younger. Makes me all sentimental.
  7. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Another Plec Id

    I'm pretty sure that is a Bristlenose Pleco. He looks very similar to the one I have. How long ago did you get it? It looks like its female and that it is about a year or two old. What do you want to know about it? I have alot you can learn about it :D .
  8. bristlenoseitplecoman

    I Know I'm Probably The Only One Around Here With This Emotion...

    lol I'm not sure whether I should comment on any of this or not. I'm a Miami Dolphins fan XD. They may not be the best, but they are the team my family and I root for. I think because they are so closely related to what this forum is on they deserve some respect :D .
  9. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Deformed Tetra, Should I Euthanize?

    don't euthanize him. I accidentaly bought a tetra missing half of his tailfin. he still puts up a good fight with the other tetras. my guess might be old age but it could be anything. age makes them more susceptible to disease.
  10. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Combined Tanks And Now Ammonia Levels Are High. What Did I Do Wrong?

    My LFS has African driftwood. really expensive but beautiful.
  11. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Combined Tanks And Now Ammonia Levels Are High. What Did I Do Wrong?

    I do not own an aqueon filter but its a Tetrafin. try to keep teh ammonia levels as low as you can. It will not completely disappear until the bacteria muchure but it will keep your fish safe until then. I wish you the best of luck.
  12. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Combined Tanks And Now Ammonia Levels Are High. What Did I Do Wrong?

    i dont suggest letting the cartridges float around. too much motion kills the bacteria. keep it in the filter and leave it alone. follow what i have said and you can count on keeping your remaining fish depending on their health. these other guys have great advice too.
  13. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Fish For An Aquarium

    BN plecos definitely. Just an opinion. I love those little guys but Im suggesting smaller fish than a BN pleco. 
  14. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Combined Tanks And Now Ammonia Levels Are High. What Did I Do Wrong?

    im sorry. i forget many people dont have a major education on fish keeping. so your filter is there for 2 reasons. the first is to take particles out of the water but it has a second purpose most people dont know about. It keeps bacteria colonies in it that take ammonia and nitrites out of the...
  15. bristlenoseitplecoman

    How Often To Feed Fish

    Fish are much healthier when they eat less than when they eat more. Overfeeding could cause them to have liver and kidney problems. Its bad news. remember a fishs stomach is about as big as its eyeball. look at that flake in your hand and ask youself is it about as big as his eyeball. Most...
  16. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Combined Tanks And Now Ammonia Levels Are High. What Did I Do Wrong?

    You didnt do anything wrong as much as your filter cant keep up yet. Your filter takes the ammonia out of the water with bacteria who eat it and change its composition until it is safe. it has been used to a certain ammonia load for a while and you just gave it alot more to deal with because...
  17. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is My Tetra Going To Lay Eggs?

    thats very true. My Brochis catfish will have a good time then and so will my upside down catfish. thinking about it eggs would probably be the most healthy thing for them to eat lol. thanks for the help.
  18. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is My Tetra Going To Lay Eggs?

    ok. thats fine. i dont really want a bunch of new tetras anyway. thanks for the help and ill try to keep her progress updated here.
  19. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is My Tetra Going To Lay Eggs?

    sry i didnt reply right away. I tried to change my email and it took me a long time to figure out. Im not going to keep the babies. My tank is already near full. if any survive they can grow. I definitely have enough cover. I don't try to feed them much. I made that mistake a long time ago. now...
  20. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is My Tetra Going To Lay Eggs?

    I know it's hard to see but she is the largest one. snap. it refuses to post my pictures. either way my tetras belly is really rounded on the sides as well as up and down. she really looks lke she is going to have eggs but im not sure. her belly has been increasing in size for a week now.
  21. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Unlucky Or What!

    What a great way to find out you can't stop.
  22. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Upside Down Catfish Pregnant?

    Is my upside down catfish pregnant? though, She doesn't look fat all around, her belly is a bulging round.
  23. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Bristlenose Pleco Eggs

    As long as they are away from preadatory fish most of them should hatch if fertile.
  24. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Did I Just See My Platy Pee

    It might be a male platy putting out this to fertilize eggs. do you see any eggs or have any other platys.
  25. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is Snowflake Obsidian Safe In My Fishtank

    I know normal obsidian is safe but im not sure if snowflake obsidian is also safe.
  26. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Bristlenose - Hiding Still

    BN plecos are more of a nocturnal fish. They don't become tame. They are a dinosaur fish and don't change easily. It is normal for BN plecos to hide . its not being shy its just that they don't like to come out when its light. They like zuchinnis. My BN pleco only likes to come out for food and...
  27. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Nitrite Levels

    The same thing happened to me when i hadd my first tank. the ich medication causes the filter to have les efficiency and sometimes a mini cycle. but as long as there is still some nitrate building up you should be fine.
  28. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Nitrite Levels

    Your filter bacteria should have taken care of that nitrite. leave it and see if it gets lower. if it doesn't your filter bacteria may be struggling with the medicine but don't stop adding it.
  29. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Bn Plecs Breeding, Now What?

    Leave them because the BN pleco naturally stays with his fry until they are old enough to go on their own.
  30. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Fish Dying Over Vacation

    Hey All! I just got back from vacation and found that one of my tetras died and my snail fell out of his shell dead. My dad took care of it for me and even did a cleaning but hes an experienced fishkeeper so i don't think he was the cause. All water parameters are fine at the moment and all the...
  31. bristlenoseitplecoman

    No Power

    A way to help cool it is to get air blowing across the surface. this will also aerate it. I don't know how unless you have a battery powered fan. keep up the water changes and try to use cold water.
  32. bristlenoseitplecoman

    So Happy With My Little Girl Blue

    Its nice to hear a happy betta story. When I only had one tetra he began to think he was one of my corys by hanging low withthem and even bottom feeding. he has his own school now but it was fun to watch.
  33. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Can A Heater Poison A Tank?

    Your heater may just be poorly made then. Get a new one. Maybe a different brand would work better.
  34. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Can A Heater Poison A Tank?

    Is it metal? if it is it could poison the tank depending on type or covering. If bubbles are coming from it you should return it as it could electrify your tank. You should move your heater above the gravel to see if this is true. If it isn't your heater your tank might be leaking.
  35. bristlenoseitplecoman

    My Fish Are Fighting

    It may be mating behavior.
  36. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Is My Betta Lazy Or Is Something Wrong?

    Bettas do this. Mine does it all the time. He is just trying to rest.
  37. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Betta Can't Swim Up

    I think he needs to be able to reach the surface easily but i was thinking you might get a long and wide flat tank. It would have to be custom but you could buy a small preset heater.
  38. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Bristlenose Gender ?

    I think it is probably male too. How long ago did you purchase him?
  39. bristlenoseitplecoman

    What's The Difference Between Led And Flourescent?

    I have leds in my 55 gallon and they are very expensive but they last a long time for the price. They are very bright so my catfish don't like them during the daybut they also have a blue settin which is close to flourescent but not. It is very dark for the fish but you can still see them very...
  40. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Microbe Lift Special Blend

    I used it regularly when I was cycling to make it go faster and it worked. Now i just save it for filter disasters. Some types work and others don't. apparently that one works well but i don't suggest using it constantly.