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  1. H

    What's Wrong?! Sick Fish!

    Hi This stuuf is great u might have to go to a salt water store to buy or Amazone, I just wanted to know if anyone has tried this Microbe-lift it is 100% natural and i have had real good luck with it its all natural. I have a 75 Gal discus tank and i picked up fin rot it cleared it right up with...
  2. H

    Common Medications - Usa

    Hi I just wanted to know if anyone has tried this Microbe-lift it is 100% natural and i have had real good luck with it its all natural. I have a 75 Gal discus tank and i picked up fin rot it cleared it right up with out changing 25% of the water dally. I also have a 125 gal with Africans in it...