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  1. S

    A. Thomasi And Plants

    Will A. thomasi eat, uproot or otherwise disturb live plants?
  2. S

    Cichlid Mix

    Sounds OK, but keep an eye on the RTS with the Rams. They don't always share the bottom of the tank real well. :)
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    Close Shoalin Fish

    What size group?
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    Rosy Tetra size

    No, not Rosy Barb (Barbus conchonius). Rosy TETRA (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus, sometimes Hyphessobrycon bentosi rosaceus). Hope that helps. :)
  5. S

    Rosy Tetra size

    How large will Rosy Tetras become? I keep getting conflicting information. Some say as big as Bleeding Hearts, others say small like Lemon Tetra.