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  1. C

    Tetra Crystal Water

    When stocking my tank, one of the best decisions I made was to get a Cameroon armoured shrimp but researching what water treatments can be used is proving very difficult. Obviously I carry out regular water changes, but my tank water is still sometimes cloudy so I was wanting to use Tetra...
  2. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Apologies for all the questions, I'll try not to ask too many more before I start cycling the tank (and then I can't promise anything!) If you're going to do a fishless cycle, at what point do you add plants?
  3. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Cheers golfzzin, good to know.
  4. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Thanks for replying fluttermoth. I have read a lot more sources putting the fishless cycle as the way to go but I was interested in seeing what a more experienced fishkeeper thought of the article. I've just placed the order- fair knock on the old bank account!
  5. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Sorry Gelt, missed this post yesterday evening- I'll maybe buy some Jerry cans as well, could come in useful! As mentioned in my first post, I was intending to do a fishless cycle (seems to be a lot of reasons for it). I did stumble across this article though-...
  6. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Thanks Moochy :good: How much sand do you reckon you'd need for a 260 litre tank?
  7. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Ok, after Moochy's earlier questions it seems my questions would be easier answered if I provided some details about the fish we had in mind :) Feedback, as ever, would be appreciated. 2 Makori (think that's their common name, Pelvicachromis taeniatus is their scientific name) 2 Ram Cichlid 6...
  8. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Thanks Miles. The aquarium comes with a filter, heater and aqua plus water conditioner (I'm assuming that's a dechlorinator!) but I'll look into some sort of dropper.
  9. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Thanks Moochy I had considered sand but thought the gravel might be easier to clean for a newbie- is the sand just as easy to keep clean? I'll post the list of fish I was thinking about at some stage but I had included around 6 Zebra Loaches so what you say does make sense. One gravel cleaner...
  10. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Thanks Fluttermoth :) I need to do some more looking into the actual water change (i.e. do you add dechlorinator to the buckets or can you add it straight to the tank with fish in it?)I've seen some people recommend 50% water changes while others recommend 10% changes. Is there a handy page...
  11. C

    Starting A New Tank

    Hi there! My girlfriend and I have been thinking over the last couple of months about getting a tropical tank and have finally decided to go for it. I always like to research things properly before I do anything and this site (and others!) has been invaluable in picking up the essential...