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  1. B

    fire eel info

    I've had a fire eel for about a year now. he (she) currently resides in a 4ft 122l tank which he shares quire happily with a marbled and senegules birchirs, african knife fish climbing perch and bristlenose cat. feeds quite happily on frozen bloodworm and peeled prawns which he will take from...
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    Beasties in my tank!

    :-( thanks for your help! if i track any further info i'll be sure to pass it your way!
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    Beasties in my tank!

    :sad: help! i have a 4ft tank containing a fire eel and african knife fish, it has a sand substrate and live plants. occasionally i find the odd snail which gets removed and disposed of. the problem i have is that i have noticed some small (1mm) white worm like beasties crawling around on the...
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    spotted climbing perch?

    :D a bit of breathing space then ! thaks for the advice off to track down the fish!
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    spotted climbing perch?

    what's there growth rate like ? what sort of time scale before moving it?
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    spotted climbing perch?

    :huh: upgrading to a larger tank?
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    spotted climbing perch?

    :S hi, i have a 4ft tank containing a 9" fire eel and african knife fish which are both feeding well and happy (although the knife fish tends to hide away when the light is on) would a climbing perch fit my setup and get on with the other two?
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    hand feeding fire eels

    :alien: wots the best way to hand tame/feed them
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    freinds for a fire eel?

    I was also considering knife fish either brown featherfin or black ghosts, but keep getting differing views on sizes?
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    freinds for a fire eel?

    :blink: i have setup a 4ft tank which now house's a 8" fire eel can anybody recommend some suitable tank mates? i was thinking about snakeheads