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  1. Aethanyc

    First Tank Juwel 125

    Like I said, I didn't mean to be rude...I understand what it's like to be new and I hope I wasn't too snappy. I just understand that it can be quite frustrating to offer advice to someone and feel like it's been ignored because they haven't followed through on their end! A lot of people are of...
  2. Aethanyc

    First Tank Juwel 125

    +1...I don't mean to be rude but I think you handled this whole situation terribly and if I was KittyKat or Fluttermoth I'd be pretty upset that you just completely disregarded everything I said and basically just said "F*** you, I'm gonna do what I want". The people on this forum care about...
  3. Aethanyc

    Need Help With Ammonia!

    Oh goodness! Your tank is heavily, heavily overstocked! As fluttermoth said, you either need to rehome some fish ASAP or get a bigger tank! If you want to keep them, I'm quite sure you'd need around 200 litres for them, but don't quote me on that! Getting your stock list down to something the...
  4. Aethanyc

    Need Help With Ammonia!

    Hi and welcome to the forum! :) Just to help kick start the help that I'm sure the more experienced users will give you, I'll just ask the common questions that seem to help diagnose the problems. Did you cycle your tank? If you did, was it a fishless cycle or a fish-in cycle? What are your...
  5. Aethanyc

    March 2011 Fish Of The Month Winner Is.......

    Congrats, Mark! That handsome boy got my vote, but it was a tough one alright! ^^ I'm sure he's just gorgeous in real life!
  6. Aethanyc

    This Is Awful! >:(

    Exactly...and I don't think I even need to point out how messed up that is. :/ It's like I said, they're not disposable decorations! But so many people think they are. It's awful. Just awful.
  7. Aethanyc

    This Is Awful! >:(

    There was apparently an outrage about it but nothing got done...unbelievable, I know. If it was a kitten, there'd be war. And apparently the poor little things were lucky to make it through the manufacturing process, and even if they did, they only lasted a few hours in the keychain. More to the...
  8. Aethanyc

    This Is Awful! >:(

    Yeah apparently they were sold in the hundreds of thousands during the Beijing Olympics...seriously wtaf. Disgusting IS the only word for it, I can't believe someone actually thought this up and could look themselves in the mirror every morning. Fish are not disposable decorations! D:<
  9. Aethanyc

    This Is Awful! >:(

    I was looking through Google images at some pictures of Fantail Goldfish, since I'm researching them in order to keep around 3 juveniles in my new tank, (but also mainly because they're absolutely gorgeous and I love looking at them), and I come across this!! I audibly gasped when I saw that...
  10. Aethanyc


    Breeding pairs can get really expensive, I've noticed, but the fancier males can sometimes fetch quite a price on their own, as well. My Crowntail Betta was £7, which is about normal for a single Crowntail with his colouring. But like lilfishie pointed out, they can be £15 and upwards if...
  11. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Haha you bet! I can't start my cycle until the end of April, so I'm hoping I can get my hands on some mature media and have the cycle finish in early June, so it's a while to wait for pics I'm afraid! D:
  12. Aethanyc

    Is It Just Me Thats This Sad?

    lmao don't feel bad tons of people base their love lives around hobbies and if someone loves dogs they're not gonna date someone who hates them, usually... At least that's what I tell myself to make myself feel better hahaha. Because my life has definitely been completely hijacked...
  13. Aethanyc

    Is It Just Me Thats This Sad?

    LOL I sympathise...I had a date recently with a lovely guy and I couldn't stop talking about the tank I've just bought and what I want to do with it, and about my Betta... :blush: I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm mental, but he actually thinks fish are boring! :P Obviously not a match made in...
  14. Aethanyc

    Is It Just Me Thats This Sad?

    Oh my God no I definitely do this! xD I was watching some programme the other day where Mariah Carey or some other overpaid public nuisance was showing a camera team around her house, and she had this MASSIVE marine tank spanning about 10 feet of her wall, and all I could think was 'Hot dammm...
  15. Aethanyc

    Almond Leaves

    That's pretty cool, I've not heard of them coming with almond leaves before! Where did you get your boy from? Maybe they assumed you'd be breeding?
  16. Aethanyc

    Almond Leaves

    I don't, personally...what do you mean, exactly? Use them for what? EDIT: I just read about using almond leaves, sounds pretty cool! :o Like some kind of miracle plant or something, hahaha. Anyway no, I don't use almond leaves because I don't breed, but after reading up on it I'm pretty sure...
  17. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Thanks John, I've decided to go coldwater though in the end. :) I'm definitely going to steer clear of the aforementioned website though...I'm pretty flabbergasted at how inaccurate it is.
  18. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Of course, I've read all about them this past week and I'm buying a more heavy-duty filter than the one I have Fluval U2 won't be enough for goldfish. :P I'm on it! Again thanks so much Kat, you've been an enormous help. :)
  19. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Well that sounds like a perfect solution! I'll get 3 Fantail juveniles and once they get to 4-6 inches I'll upgrade to a bigger tank, which won't be an issue at all because I've been planning on upgrading ever since getting this 125L. :) Oh no no don't worry, I'll be able to afford it for...
  20. Aethanyc

    Newbie Here Too

    Hi Rey! Welcome to the forum! :D Angelfish are glorious, I love them...but plecos are really very cute as well! ^^ I'm quite partial to Bettas myself, not that I'm biased or anything... ;D Anyway I'm quite new as well, but I thought I'd give you a hello. :) Everyone here is really friendly and...
  21. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Thanks so much for all your help, KittyKat. :) I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise! I know big fish need a big tank that's why I thought I'd be alright with a 125L! xD To me that's a big tank, LOL. Although since joining this site I'm starting to think 125L is actually small...crazy. Based...
  22. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Well all the websites I've read have said that a full-grown Comet requires a minimum of 30 US gallons, and mine's 33 US gallons so I thought I'd be alright to have him in there. :/ But I guess I've got a lot of time to completely rethink all of my ideas, hopefully something will crop up! I'm...
  23. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Oh, great, so...a no-go on everything. :( Well, this is why it pays to ask questions! Thanks for your advice. Back to square 1, then...I've NO ideas at all now! Seems like everywhere I turn my tank is either too small, too shallow, or I can't have any of the fish I want. Bahhhhh. xDDD This is so...
  24. Aethanyc

    Crazy Question / Idea!

    Hey all! As some of you may know I recently bought a secondhand Juwel 125L tank, it's a real beauty. I can't start cycling it until the end of April due to the fact that I'm moving house, which leaves me a lot of time to sit around pondering and dreaming up ideas for stock! I was thinking about...
  25. Aethanyc

    Bubble Nest ?

    Awww I've seen pictures of him he's a stunning little guy! :wub: Sky is a perfect name for him too. :D
  26. Aethanyc

    Raja's Regrowth Journal

    Aww yay! Lilfishie to the rescue! :3 I can't wait to see his recovery, poor little guy. He's a really awesome shade of red though! As if we could expect anything else from your fish. :P
  27. Aethanyc

    Omg I Could Cry Everything Dead! :-(

    This is a really good point...some vegetables can have pesticides and all sorts of nasty things on them that are bound to do terrible things if put in a tank. Since you said that you prepared it the same way you always do I'll assume you usually wash it first, but maybe it slipped your mind or...
  28. Aethanyc

    Bubble Nest ?

    Hey, didja end up getting that mean-looking little CT dude you linked me to a while back? :D He was a beast!! :wub:
  29. Aethanyc

    Omg I Could Cry Everything Dead! :-(

    This thread made me really sad, I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I'd be crying, for sure! I hope everyone here can help you get to the bottom of it, like people have already said I find it hard to believe it could be the vegetable alone... You have my sympathies! :sad: - Nyth
  30. Aethanyc

    So I Have A Problem! :(

    Thanks waterdrop, I have some great news! After lots of phoning around I found a store that will take them! :D it's about half an hour away but I'm sure they'll be fine.... I'm so relieved! Now I don't have to worry so much and I can focus on planning my big one for April. :) Thanks so much you...
  31. Aethanyc

    My Girls Are Here!

    Oh my gosh, MORE stunning fish...I'm so jealous! :wub: They're absolutely stunning lilfishie! <3 That white one is a diva and she knows it. ;D And she's huge! All of your fish are so beautiful...I might have to steal some. ;) Hahahaha.
  32. Aethanyc

    4 Rescued Mollies Urgently Need A Home (Free)!

    Please delete this! As no-one is interested and I need my tankspace free ASAP, I'm going to drive them to the nearest shop that will take them, near Woking. :S Sorry if this thread has been an inconvenience, I thought it would be worth seeing if any Molly-lovers would want them right away.
  33. Aethanyc

    So I Have A Problem! :(

    I've started a topic in classifieds to see if anyone wants them...but I'm really running out of time as they're seriously overcrowding my tank and it's starting to worry me quite a lot. :/ I might try my lfs again and just say I have literally no other options...even if I wanted mollies in the...
  34. Aethanyc

    My Girls Are Here!

    Pictures, lilfishie!! :wub:
  35. Aethanyc

    4 Rescued Mollies Urgently Need A Home (Free)!

    Livestock: Various Mollies (One black lyre-tail, one black and white dalmation, one sailfin, one gold and black) Quantity for sale: 4 Reason for Sale: Very overstocked tank! I rescued them from being flushed but they can't stay in my tank and my lfs won't take them! :( Delivery or Collection...
  36. Aethanyc

    My Betta Baby Blade!

    Dawwww, he :wub: you too. ;D I asked him. Lol.
  37. Aethanyc

    Meet Punk!

    Ohhhhh what a handsome boy! <3 I love him, and his name is adorable!!
  38. Aethanyc

    So I Have A Problem! :(

    Bump again, can anyone give me some advice about the mollies? My lfs won't take them. :(
  39. Aethanyc

    My Betta Baby Blade!

    Thanks so much! :D I'm really glad you guys like him! He's a sassy little dude, but then again he's a Betta LOL. ;D