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  1. L

    Swordtail pestering other fish

    I have 1 male and 1 female swordtail in my community tank and the male never leaves his ladys side. he doesnt take any notice of any other fish in the tank only her. I dont know if this is often the case with swordtails but if he was on his own i think mine would be very lonley so maybe you...
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    gouramis and mollies?

    hi there just wanted to say that i have mollies in with a gourami and they are fine together. A lot of mollies are now bred in captivity and not all need salt water , some live quite happily without salt added. Your best bet is to ask the breeder or place where you get the mollies from they...
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    moonlight gourami questions.

    hi everyone. can anyone please tell me how big my moonlight gourami is likley to get. she or he( I DONT KNOW WHICH IT IS) was about 3 inches long when i got it now its about 6 from nose to tail , and lovily with it. its very docile and not atall shy( takes food from my fingers) . I would like...
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    moonlight gourami questions.

    hi everyone. can anyone please tell me how big my moonlight gourami is likley to get. she or he( I DONT KNOW WHICH IT IS) was about 3 inches long when i got it now its about 6 from nose to tail , and lovily with it. its very docile and not atall shy( takes food from my fingers) . I would like...
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    anyone has heard of this kind of molly.

    :) there are some mollies they call chocolate marble mollies and apperantly there are some called chocolate chip that have red eyes , though i cant say ive seen em meself, but i suppose with the amount of mollies breeding among each other , theres bound to be some new sorts springing up now and...
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    cleaning up tank for fry

    :unsure: about 23 galls i think, well i have a 46 gallon community tank and the other tank is about half the size in length but roughly the same width / depth etc. so i think thats about right. since starting this topic my mollies have been at it again and its now home to 40-50 fry ( all doing...
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    The Twilight Zone...

    fish do get stressed if you move them often and sometimes this will cause females to abort there babies and /or reabsorb them so to speak, so maybe it could also prevent them from breeding at all, just a thought but maybe you should leave them to it for a bit and they may calm down and do it all...
  8. L

    Molly Fry

    :cool: congrats on your mollie fry, my mollie has also just gave birth to about thirty little ones. the fry will eat flake food now if its small enough. put some in a plastic bag and rub it between your fingers,till its like powder then away you go. Its difficult to say what colour your babies...
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    The Twilight Zone...

    Hi there, Im far from being an expert on fish breeding, but for what its worth i can pass on the little info ive found out from various scources. You dont say if your tank has lots of plants and or hiding places for any possible fry( as im sure you know guppies are cannabalistic and will eat the...
  10. L

    cleaning up tank for fry

    hi and thanks to all for the advice. My tank is two foot by the way. The problem in the tank is keeping down the algae. I also havent heard of otto plecos, but im in england so maybe we dont get um here. My big catfish gets algae disks to eat (the kind made for bottem eaters), but he also goes...
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    cleaning up tank for fry

    :unsure: hi all. could anyone please tell me if there is a small fish that cleans up the tank, and wont bother or eat baby fry. i have a sucker mouth cat fish in my main tank who does the job but hes about ten inches long ,and sucks up everything he can fit in his mouth( which is big). i need...
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    thanks for the welcome my fish] TANK; 46 galls 1 CAT FISH 1 BALA SHARK 3 DALMATION MOLLIES 2 BLACK MOLLIES 3 GUPPIES 1 MOONLIGHT GOURAMI 4 BLACK WIDOW TETRAS 2 SWORDTAILS 2 BLACK NEONS 7 NEONS SOME NOT SURES( look like black widows but peach coloured)[/COLOR]
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    HEY ALL!

    :cool: hello im a newbie too. dont know too much about it all yet but im sure ill learn now ive found this forum, every one seems so helpful and friendly. good luck with your new tank.
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    :fun: hello everyone im another new fish addict. Ive got a lot to learn so please be patient with me. Someone kindly gave me a four foot tank with 3 fish in it. they looked so lonely i rushed out and bought them some friends. Ididnt really know what i was buying but the man in the shop was very...
  15. L

    What's the point of those net breeders?

    :rolleyes: I think that its best to have a seperate tank, well planted up. Last week I found a baby tetra swimming around with my three mollies, ( dont know how it got in there) but i think if the fry are healthy some will survive , probably more. in a tank.