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  1. B

    Cleaning Tank

    I like using a piece of Filter Floss cut into a rectangle :good:
  2. B

    Increasing Ph Naturally

    A Peat additive in your filter tray also will help to lower the ph. The same sort of thing as the driftwood.The SA cichlids like it that way. :drool:
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    Would the members and moderators recommend a 25% water change without touching the media or gravel? :sick: Make sure your test kit can test for Ammonia and Nitrite, what are those numbers? What are the numbers from your water source? :unsure:
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    Suggestions To Improve Tanks

    Hi G-skrilla, A simple thing to do is add a black background. :nod: I've used on the backside of the tank a piece of black poly cut to size, it will hide the wires and such on the back. Your Plants look healthy!! :good: and water very clear nice work!!! :) Cheers Bawie
  5. B

    Hi New To This Forum

    Hi everyone, :) I'm new to this forum :good: . I've got an african tang tank going. it's been up since the new year...8 weeks or so. Quite :drool: ..actually some fry :blush: . other than that, happy to read about what others are doing...the fry..I think I'll have to move them...