Search results

  1. B

    Apple Snail - Funnel feeding...

    Try feeding your apple snail some spinach. The snail will take its foot and make it into a funnel around the spinach, to guide it toward it's mouth. I guess the foot turns into a hand at that point. Interesting creatures...
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    Fish recommendation...

    I've got a question for everyone who has had snail-eating fish before. I've got this golden apple snail, approaching tennis-ball size, which I hope to keep healthy and intact. I've also got a rainbow shark (about 4" not counting fins) and a bulldog pleco (about 1 & 1/2") in this 20 gal. tank...
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    He/She's a survivor!

    The heartiest fish I've got (and have ever had) is a rainbow shark. It got it when it was about and inch and 1/2, when I first got a 5 gal aquarium and knew next to nothing about keeping fish. He's survived several tank swappings, countless water conditions, random stupid mistakes...
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    Odd "natural" ich treatment

    I read about this in the context of a saltwater reef aquarium, on "Shrimp are a great addition to any nano reef. One of the best suited for the job is a cleaner shrimp. There are two different types of cleaner shrimp available to the hobby; the skunk cleaner shrimp, and a fire...
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    Aquarium lighting

    Although I've maintained a tank for a year or so without lighting (I have great natural sunlight exposure in the room the tank currently is in) I may be moving it to another location. So I don't know much about aquarium lighting. What I am referring to is this: I was in a local fish store the...
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    Changing From Gravel to sand

    If you're planning on adding sand to a tank (and it sounded as if you are), please take note: A word to the wise here, or maybe just pointing out the obvious; when adding sand to your tank (presumably with water still in it) be sure to wash/soak the sand and add WET sand to your tank. I'd soak...
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    Air pumps...

    I've used these three air pumps, all are about the smallest sizes the come in: Aquaculture - the biggest of the three, the most power, but makes the loudest noise, can't really block it out when you're in the same room with it; Elite799 - makes a low pitched hum, possible to ignore, medium...
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    Fluval 4 Plus - too strong?

    I have a fluval 2 + and have been running it with the air feature on. Could you explain how this reduces the flow through the filter? I didn't realize that...
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    What size air pump?

    includes instruction leaflet. It is the AV2 model and powers aquariums up to 30" (76cm). " I believe, and hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, that this has to do with the depth at which the pump will still operate effectively. I think the way this works is that the smaller pumps can...
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    canister filters?

    I've got a Fluval 2 plus (internal) cannister filter & it works great! The cannister filters come in internal (in your tank) and external; fluval makes both & choice just depends on your tank setup.
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    Water quality & ...

    So the general verdict seems to be for a "quick & dirty" analysis, the strips will give you a workable range (I do have the Jungle brand strips). For more accurate results (or precise), use the liquids. Liquids are cheaper per test, but for the amateur aquatist (with one one or two tanks)...
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    Water quality & ...

    That's another point...I'm not using them for cycling a tank (or making sure that's done) so much as for maintenance. Plus, mine don't have an ammonia indicator (I use liquid for this, seperately). But as far as accuracy goes, I read somewhere (maybe buried in the instructions, maybe on some...
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    Why do people buy fish

    Do people get irate when their questions aren't answered quickly on here? Touchy... Yea, you're right about that. Really basic stuff is everywhere on the net. Although, they might end up googling to some chain pet store's website with some lesser quality info than they might have had. And I...
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    Why do people buy fish

    I personally like the forums, not because I'm lazy (which I am), but because they're efficient. Why spend 5 to 10 minutes Googling something when you can post a question, look at your fish, and be emailed when there's a response? It's just about efficiency - and the best way to learn something...
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    Water quality & ...

    I put this in the newbie forum b/c I'm sure this is a newbie question, but I never really noticed these things until a few days ago. I'm talking about the 5 in one test strips that you see (especially in chain pet stores). They test pH, GH, KH, nitrite and nitrate all on one strip, in about 30...
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    Pleco Food?

    If you want to put some size on your pl*co, (and I'd suggest a bigger tank if you do), feed it canned spinach (no salt added). My pl*co has grown at least 2 inches eating this stuff - he loves it! I gave him a zuccini this evening, but he doesn't quite know what to do with it just yet (still...
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    Epalzeorhynchus frenatus

    I've got a question about "jumping" behavior of fish. I've read (and heard) that the red-fin or rainbow shark tends to try to jump out of aquariums. I've always considered it a general rule that if your fish are trying to jump out of your tank, your water quality is way off. I've had this...
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    I have one of these fish, and I have read that they will eat about anything (living & moving) that they can get their mouths around. I was wondering, does this include snails of any or all types? Assuming of course that their shells are small enough. Also, I've read on some places that they...