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  1. T

    Guppy Problem!!

    i had three male gupppies and two pregnant females who are now not pregnant b/c they had their babies. But anyways the water is good and all that but the problem is that these small holes appeared in one of my guppies sides. :crazy: He died later that day and then i noticed all of my guppies...
  2. T

    Boycott the walmart fish!

    Some of the fish at wal mart are in bad condition i must say. but i guess in some of the the tanks the bad environment makes the fish stronger, because all of the fish i have bought from wal-mart will not die. they are the oldest ones i have and they are real pretty. So i am a little disturbed...
  3. T

    Frozen vs. Live

    I was wondering if it matters whether i use frozen brine shrimp or live ones? I guess you are supposed to feed beta fry live brine shrimp a little into their development stage, and i was wondering if it would make a difference if frozen one were used as a substitute. :)
  4. T

    Dead Prawn.....

    I have a 30 gallon with a bunch of guppies and junk in it. it is usually kept at about 75-80 degrees and the ammonia and ph levels are normal from the help of some water conditioners and what not. The trouble is that plant waste gets built up in the bottom not a lot but it begins to look gross...