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  1. H

    Increasing Ph Naturally

    While were on the topic wat naturaly lowers ph i already know driftwood does ?
  2. H

    Feather Fin And Albino Pleco

    well yea this tank is only like a temp tank because i am just starting over again as i havent had fish in a few years im am going to buy a bigger tank in a few weeks also one of my loaches died today he was sort of floating around in the water and sinking and then having like short bursts of...
  3. H

    Feather Fin And Albino Pleco

    Hi iv got a 4ft tank with 2 clown loaches 1 convict 1 electric yellow 1 blue Msobo 1 common pleco 1 albino bristlenose and 1 feather fin pleco and i was just wonder how big do feather fin plecos get and how long it takes them to get there and if theres any food they would prefer than algy i...