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  1. B

    Water Change Almost Empty

    i do a 20% water change every week, and clean gravel once a month,the problem i have is when i clean the gravel i remove about 80% of the water,and still have a part of the tank to clean,so i have been doing it in two halfs,a week apart,but worried that by removing so much water i could be...
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    Mollie Being Harassed

    thanks for the advice,i think you are right, today the male is leaving the female alone,the female didnt look particulary fat or i would have moved it to a breading net,as i would like to keep them,also today i find i have my first platy baby ,about a cm long ,im over the moon about that,but...
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    Mollie Being Harassed

    i have 2 dalmation mollies, 1 is male not too sure about the other,the large male keeps following the other and nuzzling its under side,its dorsal fin standing up ,this is constant, i think this must stress the fish,or is this a mating thing, should i move 1 to a net for a while, the smaller 1...
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    i have had a couple of fish die of shimmying, and by what im reading, it is because there are not enough electrolytes in the water,how would i go about adding this to my tank,i believe you can get shimmy block,but would this do harm to my other fish,or is there a natural way to add this, i have...
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    Fluval Filter

    hi all i have a fluval 2 filter ,can anyone tell me ,when opened up it has 2 sides for the filter sponge, i was wondering reading posts about wool, does this filter not use wool,i bought the whole setup second hand, so dont know what the make up is,although it certanly cleans the water well thanks
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    Save My Gurami

    i have a 65lt tank 2 platys 2 mollies and a sick gurami im afraid i tried a fish in cycle, but did not get any readings for ammonia or nitrite,got the filter sponge from a mates tank and sqeezed all the stuff into mine,still no readings fot ammonia or nitrite,tank has been running now for 2...
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    Can't Cycle

    im having the same problem,no ammonia or nitrite readings, all but 2 of my fish have died, like yourself im a newbie,and got the sponge from a mates filter and put it in mine still no reading,i was expecting to see some ammonia but nothing
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    Fish Cycle

    im using liquid test nutrafin mini master,,if i dont see any ammonia how will i know if my tank is cycling
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    Fish Cycle

    i have a 45lt tank ,and was told to run pump for 5 weeks to cycle tank,now know thats rubbish ,i had 10 platys now 4 left i did not cycle correctly,but am trying to do that now,,i got the sponge from a friends filter and a litre of warer,and added that to my tank yesterday,on reading the sdvice...