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  1. B

    Advice On Fry.. (Filter Not Working!)

    Yeah.. it is like an oil type thing.. how can i get rid of it? And is that a sign my filter isnt working??
  2. B

    Advice On Fry.. (Filter Not Working!)

    Okay, so I bought a filter the other day for the fry tank.. and it isnt working well!! The water is a bit.. scummy at the top..I dot know if that is the right word to use.. but there is a film on the water at the top. Not sure if thats from the filter not working or what the problem is. I lost...
  3. B

    My New Tank Set Up.. And A ?

    no. I looked at other pics.. and it looksmore like a tetra.
  4. B

    Buying Fish And Live Plants Online?

    Thanks! I have checked Ebay and the other online stores. I havent decided what I want yet. Thakns for the advice!!
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    My New Tank Set Up.. And A ?

    Thanks.. I have been trying to get a closer pic. but it seems that whenever I goto thte tank for anything, it swims away really fast. But now that I have an idea (I thougth tetra at first), I will go and look online at them and see which one it looks like more. I wouldnt mind getting it some...
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    My New Tank Set Up.. And A ?

    This is the new tank set up. I removed the gravel and added the sand. The sand was really not hard to clean at all!! Anyways. My platies seem pretty happy in there. But.. I am finally going to ask.. there is one silver fish in there.. I have no clue what it is. When I first got my fish I...
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  8. B

    Guppie Breeding

    That is how I clean my tank actually with a syphon.. to pick up stuff off the bottom of the tank.. I just didnt know that the fry would live through being sucked up.. I removed them and put them in a bowl lastnight. I used a cup to remove them. I sucked up a dead fry yesterday like that though...
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    Buying Fish And Live Plants Online?

    I am in Saskatchewan, Canada.
  10. B

    Buying Fish And Live Plants Online?

    Thank you. I will check them both out. I basically just want plants at the moment. I want to check out the fish as well.. but mostly just plants. Thanks again!
  11. B

    Buying Fish And Live Plants Online?

    So, I am starting to really enjoy this fish keeping!! Its fun. Anyways.. I dont get to the city often to check out the fish and plants but would really love to get some plants ad maybe another fish or two in the future. Can anyone suggest a good online fish store? Thanks
  12. B

    Guppie Breeding

    Im just wondering what you mean by "sucking up the fry"?
  13. B

    We Have Fry!

    Thank you! I am happy that they are finally here.. I am not expecting them to all live. I have them in my 5 gal. tank so hopefully that helps things a bit. I cant wait until they start showing color and what not. Will be neat to see. as long as 3 or 4 survive from thisv batch, I will be...
  14. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    Thank you!! I am very excited to raise the fry. hopefully they survive.
  15. B

    We Have Fry!

    Nope.. I was wrong.. there are 14 alive!! I hope they survive. I did a water change.. I moved them out of the tank while I did the water change and clean up of the none would go for a ride in the hose. They all look good. I ended up putting the heater in the fry tank as I raed it...
  16. B

    We Have Fry!

    Thanks.. Although.. There are only 8 alive I think as of now. :( The others arent moving at all. Im not sure what I did. I went to the city to get the supplies needed.. and they just arent moving. I have now put in a new filter for the fry and returned the other filter to the 10 gal. I...
  17. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    I took her out of the tank. She looked like she was startig to feed off of the bottom of the tank. It looks like I may have a few fry that did not survive.. but there are 15 in there. I put the momma back in the reg. tank.. and fed the fish.. and she went straight for teh food. Now on my way...
  18. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    Yes, they are both identical. I think we have about 15 now.. I cant believe how many fry that can come out of such a small fish lol. She isnt a very big fish either.. Well, she is small compared to my other platies.
  19. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    Yeah.. I will prob be gone for about 8 ish hours. Im really nervous.. I really want these guys to survive. Maybe I will put them into a seperate container for now. I will give the momma another hour or so.. and then collect babies. I thoguth maybe I could move her back to the other tank...
  20. B

    We Have Fry!

    Yes, I saw that . Thank you!! And okay about the liquifry.. good to know. I have dedcided to wait a while before heading to the city.. probably give her another hour or so before I leave. Then I wll transfer her back to the community tank and let nature do its course over there. Or will that...
  21. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    I have two plants in there.. thats all i have.. no gravel on the bottom.. I read to not have gravel on the bottom for fry. But thats it. I dont have any other plants Dont have anhg pond weed. Dont have any nylon yarn... man.. thisis kinda stressful lol. Maybe I shoudl just stay home for...
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    We Have Fry!

    We are up to 10 now and she doesnt look like she is done yet!.... that I can see of!! Maybe a few hiding in the plants!! I am so happy they are finally here.. Now to keep them alive!! Going to head in tonight after they are done to get some of that liqui fry stuff.. and a few other things needed...
  23. B

    Need A Quick Answer..

    Okay, so I was planning onheading to the city for the day.. will be gone for a while. But I just noticed my platy is having her babies now.. as we speak!! They are ina regular 5 gal. tank.. Shold I wait to head to the city? How long can I leave for? Is it true she wont want to eat for 12...
  24. B

    We Have Fry!

    So.. I am gettig ready to head to the city for the day... I got to feed my fishies.. and guess what?! I see babies swimming! So far.. there are 5 that I can see. I have two plants in the tank. I guess our city trip is going to have to wait a bit.. :) Finally!!
  25. B

    Switching From Rock To Sand?

    Excellent. I have decided to stick with my 10 gal. but buy a second one as well. So I will cycle the one 10 gal. with the sand and switch the one I have now to sand. I think it will look much nicer that the dec. rock. Figured while I am switching to real plants.. may as well make it all...
  26. B

    Switching From Rock To Sand?

    Oh I can use regular play sand? I did not know that. I thought I had to use a special sand. Thats even better. I am unsure of getting a new tank yet. Not sure if the budget will allow at the moment. I really can not wait to get the new set up done. I am thinking my fish will be much...
  27. B

    Switching From Rock To Sand?

    I would really like to switch my 10 gal. tank from the decorative rock,to sand. Can I get the sand at any pet store? Also, how would I go about doing this? I currently have platys in my tank. Would I basically be starting my tank over again from scratch? Have to go through the cycling again...
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    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    Okay. Maybe I will move away from her tank then. I have been sitting by her tank for a while now. BUt i have it in between two couches. I will mopev to the other side. I can still see but I wont be as close.
  29. B

    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    Okay. Maybe I will move away from her tank then. I have been sitting by her tank for a while now. BUt i have it in between two couches. I will mopev to the other side. I can still see but I wont be as close.
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    One Quick Question

    Thanks.. I will do a small water change right now.
  31. B

    One Quick Question

    I only have the one from the 10 gal. I actually transfered it over not long ago to use it for now.. But that leaves the others wihtout the filter. Thankfully I go to the city tomorrow so I can get another filter and some more plants!
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    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    Oh that is awesome!! She ahs slowed down.. or.. she DID slow down.. there she goes again. Maybe I should throw the towel back over the tank so that it is darker? But then I wont be able to watch!! Im hoping it happens during the day and not at night when I am sleeping. If she doesnt have them...
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    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    Thats good to read!! I have been watching her constantly for the past couple days.. and maybe too excited!! I had one fish have fry a couple months ago.. but they didnt survive.. mainly because I had absolutely no clue on how to care for them. I had them in a seperate container.. but that wasnt...
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    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    Just thought that I would add.. that I can see black in her anal opening now! I hope this means things will be happening soon...and that I will have fry soon!! I am very excited about this. If she actually has the babies.. I will be buying another 10 gal. tank to raise the fry in for now. I...
  35. B

    One Quick Question

    Okay, so my platy has been in her own tank for a few days now, I have been doing a water change evry couple days ( I do not have a filter for this one). Anywas.. there is a lot of fish poop on the bottom of the tank again.. (the reason for doing changes and cleaning of the bottom) but I think...
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    Newest Pic Of Platy... (07/04/2011)

    As far as I can tell.. I dont think she lost the babies.. I think she is still carrying them.. its just a matter of when she will ave them?
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  38. B

    Better Picture Of My Preg. Platy

    This was actually the other day. I will get one taken right away here.. and psot it.
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    Would You Say She Is Square Off?

    I ended up sneaking some plants out of the other tank for the 5 gal. I covered the tank with a towel so that it is darker in there.. hopefully she still has her fry. She still has her dark gravid spot... so maybe she is ok.
  40. B

    Better Picture Of My Preg. Platy

    She sat in the same spot long enough for me to go get my camera and take about 20 picturs of her. And she is still sitting there. Sure hope she drops soon!