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  1. M

    rust color algae????

    Thanks Nina7777 :) :) :) I appreciate the info. I did a water change, scrubbed the glass and vacuumed the rocks which seemed to help. I even left the light on for up to 18 hours a day for two days then cut it back to 16 hours, which is about normal due to my work schedule. I have not...
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    Balloon Molly Pregnancy

    I'm not an expert but from my understanding, they will give birth about every 28 days. I have a molly that when she was first put in the tank laid eggs due to the stress, but she has not given birth since. I'm starting to wonder if she ever will. sorry I couldn't give much info, I'm new myself...
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    rust color algae????

    I currently have 1-betta, 1-female molly, 1-upside-down cat, 1-algea eater, 3-neon tetra and 3-danos. Can I add an otto to this mix to help with this algea, and will everyone get along. So far only the betta & molly have had to stand there ground in the tank. but if an oto will help i will...
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    rust color algae????

    I will try scrubing the tank, but what about the rocks, they are more covered with this stuff that the glass is. Do I need to remove the top layer, or will a vaccum help any? mommacakes
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    rust color algae????

    Thanks for the info, I will leave the light on and see how it goes. I do have an algea eater, but it might be more than it can handle. Is a water change going to help any? mommacakes :unsure:
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    rust color algae????

    sad: :sick: :dunno: I'm not sure if what I have is algae or not, but it is starting to cover the gravel and moving up the glass. It is a rust color and growing like algae. The ammonia level is on the high side, nitrates are ok, but ph is slightly high. I have done a water change and I'm...
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    upside down cat fish

    his color is great. he pretty much stays in the same area on the plant, but wiggles around on occasion. But i don't think he is eating. I can't be sure because I'm at work all day, but he is still in the same spot when I return. Is there anything else I should look for? I will keep a close eye...
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    upside down cat fish

    my upside down cat fish is hiding in the bushes. at first he swam around and explored, now he seems to have settled in the bushes. that was four days ago. is this normal behavior for the cat fish? mommacakes
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    water changes

    thanks for the info. I used a water conditioning product from dr. wellfish. it included a proper ph product, with aquarium salt. I still have some of this product left, can i use that to condition the water again?
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    water changes

    it has been many years since i have had a tank. my memory is not that great. when you say prep the water, can you be more specific please. mommacakes
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    water changes

    I set my tank up new about two weeks ago. It still looks great, but it must be ready for a water change, am i right. It is a ten gallon tank, and I have already filled it with tetras, danios, 1 molly, 1 betta, an alge eater and upside down cat fish. Every one is getting along great. No fighting...
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    we are thinking of adding a frog to our tank. we have one female molly and 4 zebra tetras at the moment. we also want to add four neon tetras and a betta and some type of bottom feeder. all of this is for a ten gallon tank. question one is this too much for that size of a tank, question two, is...
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    is there such a thing as molly roe

    i recently set up a ten gallon tank. i started off with two molly's. the female is pregnant. this morning i thought she was in labor. but instead of live fry, she laid roe and then proceeded to eat the roe. is this normal? not wanting to really deal with many babies, i have left her in the tank...