Search results

  1. P

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    Yeah true :crazy: , ive only had two male betta in the past.. both from LFS my first one was a veil tail few years back and i brought it home and put it in a cycled heated filtered 30litre tank, i fed him tetra betta flakes which he ate twice a day. He only lived for 4 days i was shocked and...
  2. P

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    thanks alot bud :D
  3. P

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    i have tried ebay, and there is barely any on :P you must have fell lucky, do you know the item number of any decent ones, would be much thankful :good: :rolleyes:
  4. P

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    How do i get in touch with steve, and where abouts is he at :) i dont mind CT but it depends what colours and where are bouts are you at :) thanks for quick replies btw.
  5. P

    Anyone Selling (Plakats Or Hm)

    Hi, it seems neanly impossible to get hold of a male/female, Plakat or HalfMoon ANYWHERE! i have been to probly every pet shop in a 40 Mile radius and they only sell veil or crowtail, which was expected. I havent came across anyone breeding them in my area and have been looking for a few months...
  6. P

    Betta, Wont Eat!

    Thanks for the fast replies, i done a large waterchange earlier and he is very inactive just at the surface of the water, he only moves when he comes to the surface for a breath in my opinion i dont think he is going to live :(, i noticed his eyes are looking abit dull in colour.. i cant think...
  7. P

    Betta, Wont Eat!

    My male crowntail betta lives in a 30litre heated, filtered and cycled tank, the filter doesnt have a current there is plants he can rest on. ive only had him for around 4 weeks and all this time i have been feeding him bloodworms and brineshrimp in jelly. i tried feeding him dried bloodworms...
  8. P

    Any One Breeding Bettas?

    thats the only place i havent checked, but i got my male crowntail from chilton equatics in durham, the females there were not looking healthy and i left it.. what type of females where they at portrack do you reckon, veiltails? i dont think i would try breeding a crowntail with a veil tail. :) !
  9. P

    New Fish, Finally :)

    Well today i finally got my male crowntail betta, YEY!.. i tried to upload a picture but it says the image is to big :(, anyway he is Blue bodied, Big red fins with black tips, i was also hoping to get a female for breeding in the future, but they were not looking too healthy :/ anyway i brought...
  10. P

    Any One Breeding Bettas?

    Hello, i am finding it hard to find crowntail/Plakat Bettas! none of my LFS sell them the only bettas they sell are Veiltail, Does anyone have any for sale in the North East, (Middlesbrough,Billingham,Stockton) My tanks all setup/cycled and just needing the fish now :) !
  11. P


    Since i cannot drive yet, your last resort is the closest to me and is my first lol, i didnt think it would be this hard to get some of these fish, unless someone around here is breeding them :P !
  12. P


    Yeah im from Stockton on Tees, ive been to pet mania, pets at home and norton aquatics and no joy.. Do you know if there is any in the Middlesbrough/Stockton/Billingham area, Cheers :)
  13. P


    well i tried ebay and no joy, hopefully tomorrow i might find some i like in differnt petstores, thanks for the advice.
  14. P


    yeah sorry i have got alot of small tanks around 20 that i have been collecting, i hope that would be enough i will check ebay now.. Do they send the fish to you? is that possible :)
  15. P


    I am wanting to get some betta splendens, possibly to breed for some time in the future. I have everything ready to go apart from the fish, what i want is a male and possibly some females to keep seperate, i have a 30 Litre for the male and a 90 Litre aquarium for the females all cycled and...