Search results

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    Loosing Galaxys

    The tank has been set up about 6 months, and i only have galaxy rasboras. The NO2 has been zero since the first 6 week initial start up period, the ph, gh, kh has remained constant apart from when i slowly reduced to be more suitable for the fish. Cheers
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    Loosing Galaxys

    There is no ammonia or nitrite in the water. I cant understand what the problem is
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    Good Quality Splendens

    Hi guys, Can anybody tell me where i can get a quality splendens from, either vieltail or halfmoon. I live in cumbria, aside from North Lakes Aquatics any ideas?
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    Loosing Galaxys

    Im having trouble with my galaxy rasboras.................. one by one they get dropsy or/and holes in their sides and die. I have treated with anti bacterial. They were in a planted tank so the ph, gh, kh was higher than what they should have. So now they have been moved to another tank...
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    Assassin Snails

    Hi, what will they eat after they have eaten all the other snails?
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    Java Moss For Sale

    Hi, do you have any more java moss?? Cheers, Tom