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  1. risso0529

    Fish Lice

    Hi Thanks - cannot see any visable lice at all, I have googled the pictures and dont think it is lice now - but what else could they be? Are they anything to worry about? I havent had any other death/waisting so not sure if it is internal parasites - are there any other symtoms of this other...
  2. risso0529

    Fish Lice

    Hi I think I may have a problem with my tank. Over the past few weeks I have noticed very slight aggitation in the fish. A couple of times I have noticed one or two of the fish flicking on the ornaments and my large gold severum has been sort of twitching his fins and looking a little...
  3. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Ah I didnt realise - yes the person I got the tank from used to have marine fish, they then swapped to tropical then I bought the tank from them - I didnt realise!! I will look into changing the substrate asap and hopefully this will stablise things - I will contine with the regular water...
  4. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Hi again... So now I am sure that something in the tank is definalty taking the PH up - I tested the water yesterday using the high range kit and, as previously posted, the tank water was at 8 with the tap water at 7.6, this was after I did the water change yesterday. So today I thought I...
  5. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    thanks I will keep a very close eye on things over the next few days/weeks - I am going to increase the water changes and reduce cleaning the filter to see if this helps. I will also test the water daily and see how this goes - I will try and remove some of the ornaments and see if this makes a...
  6. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    more pics more pics more pics
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  10. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Hi both Thanks for your helpful replies - I have tested the tap water and this is def 0 so it looks like there is an increase in ammonia in the tank, probably the likely cause. The weird thing is that I have 2 filters running, one internal type and 1 external canister type (fluval) and I clean...
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  12. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Hi Thanks for coming back to me - I did a partial water change last night around 30% and added the white spot treatment and salt. Things are about the same today, no worse but also not right!! I have tested the water again just now and here are the reseults: Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate...
  13. risso0529

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    hi I am very worried about my fish, I have noticed a few unusual things over the past week and am conserned that something serious is going wrong - I want to act quickly to try and help the fish and hopefully not loose any. Here are the details: I have around 20/25 smaller fish (about 1...
  14. risso0529


  15. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    thanks - ill come back in a few days and let you know how things are going
  16. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi thanks for your comments - my test kit is an API liquid one - is that ok? Yes I use the tank thremometer to get the water to the right temp in the bucket before I add this back into the tank - hope this is right? I also add the dechlorinator to the water before I put it into the tank - again...
  17. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi I have tested the water carefully again this evening and results are as follows Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 40 Temp 27 Filter is running well and there seems to be plently of surface agitation. I always add dechlorinatior when I do water changes. I noticed the fish flicking and...
  18. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    hi ok I did about 40% water change (ran out of time!!) this morning and will test water again later. Sick fish are still alive but not looking any better. I noticed while doing the water change that a few of the 'healthy' fish are flicking and rubbing up against things in the tank - I have...
  19. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    ok thanks for your help - i will try and get up early before work tomorrow and do 50% change including gravel clean - I did do about a 40% change on Saturday though.. I will do this water change and re test the water tomorrow evening and come back with the results. Thanks off to bed now :unsure:
  20. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi The tap water nitrate reading is around 40
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  23. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    cannot seem to get photo to upload - will keep trying Thanks for your reply - when you say test the tap water do you mean just for nitrate or for all ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  24. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi all well I thought I had my problem sorted but I came home tonight and just out of the blue 2 of my fish look unwell. As you can see from my posts above I have been having trouble recently having lost the cycle in the tank (due to over eager filter cleaning!) and have recently been doing...
  25. risso0529

    haha forgot to do that bit!!

    haha forgot to do that bit!!
  26. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi all Just to give an update - I followed the advice of water changes everyday and the tank is now fine again. I have reduced the water changes to weekly but will continue with daily tests for the next couple of weeks to make sure that the levels dont rise again. Thanks for all your help.
  27. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Hi I have just spent the last hour emptying water and refilling - I have added tap water conditioner - I will test the water again tomorrow and do water change again if test still high, will keep doing this until test shows water safe - thanks for all your help - ps in the process of emptying...
  28. risso0529

    Problem With Water Quality

    Please help..... I have kept tropical fish for a while - however I only had a very small tank before. Around 4 months ago i bought another tank second hand complete with around 30 fish (molly's, guppys, and platys) the new tank is approx 50 gallons. I have been testing the water regularly and...