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  1. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    My pH has been at 7.2 since about a week after adding fish, because my neons kept dying. So it has been maintained at 7.2 for quite a while now. I have heard of guppies being happy in water as low as 6.9 before. I'm just thinking if i add ph down to hard-alkaline tap water, then i end up with...
  2. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Oh yeah, i use about 1/3 tsp of ph down per gal. This seems like a lot too me.
  3. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Ok, the female with popeye was dead this morning. And one of the males is showing slight signs of distress (i think)....please give me some suggestions?! My tap water here is reasonably hard and alkaline (ph 7.7). I use Ph down to lower it to around 7.2. Could this be a cause of...
  4. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Ok, just to update everyone... I didn't add salt. My plants are going well, my algae eaters are happy, and my neons population is happy and stable, but I still have guppy dramas. :( Anyway, my pH is roughly 7.2. I originally had 8 males and 8 female guppies. I now have 3 males and 2 females...
  5. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    its more like fungus. Definately not ICH. But none of my medications have worked. I have tried salt earlier at 1tsp per 10L. I guess that's not strong enough though. So before I add 1tblspn / gal, will it affect my plants or other fish? Will it be okay to do while I have medications in...
  6. M

    Guppy Disease...wont go away!

    Okay, I have a 20gal thats been setup for 6weeks now. I started and cycled it by jamming it with plants. I've got a aquaclear mini on it (which I'm starting to believe is too small). I also do 30% water changes twice weekly. Now I started with 2 guppys, an oto and siamese algae eater after...