Search results

  1. LJEV

    Tank Size For Colomesus Puffer

    I have on order ( waiting for them to come out of quarantine ) 3 colomesus puffers. I'm wanting to put them in a 120L tank with 4 cory sterbai and a clown plec. Do you think this will be ok ? I have 4 other tanks but there all stocked up. Also has anyone had experience trimming the teeth on...
  2. LJEV

    My Betta Needs Help With Bubblenest

    I do have the Indian almond leaves that help spawning. Just using a thin cotton cloth stretched across the top of the tank ( should keep the air humid and it also produces quite a nice dull light for them. When you assume I know what I'm doing this is my first time trying to breed bettas I've...
  3. LJEV

    My Betta Needs Help With Bubblenest

    Thanks Your right You don't really think about how hard it must be for them to maintain that level of work when theyve just been used to lounging around the tank. He seems to be getting better at the bubbles now. It was so frustrating watching him at first, he would blow about 10 bubbles then...
  4. LJEV

    New Copper Dt

    Very nice betta Also loving the name :good:
  5. LJEV

    My Betta Needs Help With Bubblenest

    Will do :good:
  6. LJEV

    My Betta Needs Help With Bubblenest

    No other tank mates and I have floating plants and not much water flow Things are progressing slowly but I think he's getting there. I suppose it's like the wife asking me to make the bed in a morning, I'm slow but eventually I'll do it :rolleyes: I hope it's a successful breed as the are both...
  7. LJEV

    My Betta Needs Help With Bubblenest

    Hi my betta is having problems forming a bubble nest I've put half a polystyrene cup in and he's trying to blow the bubbles but they just keep popping is there anything I can do to help. I'm sure this question has been asked a lot. Ps I know it's common to asked if people are prepared for...
  8. LJEV

    Small Fish That Eats Hair Algae

    Hi all. I've got a small 13 ltr betta cube with a single male betta in it and he absolutely loves it. It's been running for about 5 weeks now all water levels are spot on and water is crystal clear the only problem is it's started to get hair algae on the glass (plastic) and on the plants. Is...
  9. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    That's funny, the guy who works at Sheffield Aquatics told me the other day if I want a really good Aquatics outlet try wharf. I think he used to work there. I have already sheduled a visit there this weekend. Also just been to elm lane, the sod was shut, should have phoned first.
  10. LJEV

    Do Snails Add Masively To The Bio Load

    Theres been quite a few people on lately saying they have snail promlems, Not that i`m that keen on them, and I`m starting to get quite a few myself but other than munching on your plants, why are they a problem ? Do they produce much waste and add to the Bio load of the tank ? and are they...
  11. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    I agree its not that impressive but I get on well with the staff there and as I said never had a bad fish, where as a bigger outlet would be fish inc at Handsworth near the Asda, far more selection but I`ve had 10 fish from there and 6 have died. I have been told about Elm Lane but haven`t got...
  12. LJEV

    Beauty Light

    I actually have the beauty light from interpet. I have 3 tubes running at the minute, the pink beauty light at the back a 6500K daylight in the middle and a blue light at the front (which also stays on on it`s own for an extra hour when the others go off which looks great). With the three...
  13. LJEV

    Siamese Fighter Suitable?

    Simple answer Yes, as long as it heated and filtered
  14. LJEV

    Best Action For Bulging Eye On Fighter

    Hi Athena Yes after following advice on here the fry tank is back on track now. Just got a new API testing kit today and results on fry tank are No2 = 0 No3=5 amonia = 0 ph 7.5 and in all the mess didn't loose 1 fry which is unreal as I kept transferring then from 1 tank to another but the...
  15. LJEV

    Best Action For Bulging Eye On Fighter

    Once again thanks for the advice It's just a case of building up knowledge on the fish isn't it ? You'll be glad to hear I do have enough tanks to keep all the bettas as long as on doesn't mind sharing with the fry I have ( the fry will be in a breeding trap obviously ). So I'll give it a...
  16. LJEV

    Best Action For Bulging Eye On Fighter

    I hope I've done the best thing but I've isolated Jules in my treatment tank and used a treatment called general tonic which covers most conditions including pop eye. It turns the water illuminous green for about a week. I've used it before to treat finrot and it worked really well so fingers...
  17. LJEV

    Best Action For Bulging Eye On Fighter

    I will post a pic later but my female fighter "jules" has a bulging eye this morning, no wounds as I can see. What's the best corse of action for the eye. Can't understand it in a tank with no other aggressive fish.
  18. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    thank for the help I think in essence the problem was self inflicted ( over feeding ) :/ :stupid: Hopefully everything should return to and stay normal now. So in answer to a diferent post Bifster made YES it is good to do tests on the water :good:
  19. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    I did a full water change last night added some media from another filter also added some antibactol solution that helps speed up bacteria growth and results today ( 18 hours later ) are Nitrites = 0 Nitates = would say less than 10 ( first test marker is 10 ) PH =7.5. Does this mean it'll be ok...
  20. LJEV

    Will Red Tail Shark Get On With 3 Spot Gourami?

    I`ve had a red tail shark in with 2 gouramis for about three months now and no problems at all in fact the shark is probably one of best behaved fish in the tank. does your tank have any hiding places, caves etc as mine likes to go in them every now and then.
  21. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    Thanks I`m off to do that right now :thanks:
  22. LJEV

    What Deals Did You Have To Make To.....

    When I got my first tank my wife said if I got another she wouldn`t speak to me :huh: When I got my second she didn`t :sad: When I got my third she stoped her silence. oh my god did she stop her silence :shout: The ace up my sleeve was getting my two boys onside age 2 and 4 :good:
  23. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    simple answer is no :no: I had no idea I had to do that I basicaly filled with water put heater and filter in and added weekly an antibactol addative that came with the tank to build up bacteria. I was just about to post another question. How do you get the levels back on track
  24. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    I tested water every week of the 4 week cycle and they were always spot on. I know this is wrong but my first tank a 50ltr I only cycled for a week before I put 5 fish in then 5 the week atfter and absolutely no probs whith that one, been running 4 months now, so cant understand the 30l tank
  25. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    I feed them twice a day but the food is powder so its not easy to clean or even see waste. I havn`t been cleaning it every day prob twice a week
  26. LJEV

    What Have I Done Wrong !

    I tested my fry tank tonight and was shocked at the results No3=100 No2=3.3-33 (bright red on tetra test) Ph=7.5 these are the only tests I have as I`ve ran out of the amonia one Tank is a small 30ltr which all I had in was about 20 guppy fry which were various ages from 2 days - 3 weeks old...
  27. LJEV

    Platy Just Given Birth

    I don't know about platties but my guppy was still having them 2 days later and then a month later there popping out again and again and again. Good idea with the car sponge though ( just make sure its a new one obviously ) I use net from the breeding hatchery I've got but I think I may just...
  28. LJEV

    Malawis, Good Fish Or Bad Fish

    That's very helpful as when they said they were nasty to other fish and to keep them with other malawis I never thought they would attack each other. You just see them in the shop all together getting on great. I think I'll still give it a go but its just a big tank to get wrong. I'll do some...
  29. LJEV

    Malawis, Good Fish Or Bad Fish

    Hi all I'm having a 500 litter tank fitted into my kitchen wall and really like the look of malawis ( the colour variations are stunning. Are they an easy fish to keep and what other fish can be had with them as my lfs classes them as "nasty" fish and to be stocked with their own kind ? Also...
  30. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    No mate, I'm thinking of opening a tropical fish outlet. I already have two good business. I would obviously employ very experienced staff to run it. We'll see what happenens.
  31. LJEV

    How To Find A Fish

    I also have a very nice clown plec which I didn`t see for about 4 weeks but in the last week he seems to have taken up residence in one of my open caves so now I can see him pretty much all the time ( or at least untill he moves on again ) I think hes moved to this cave as thats where I leave...
  32. LJEV

    R2 Fish School

    This is the forth time I`ve looked at this post, my god it makes me laugh :lol: :yahoo: :lol:
  33. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    Thanks for all the input Nelly It was good to read your old posts. I think I`ve decided to leave trying to breed the Bettas, at least for a while and just enjoy looking at them, it`s just, and I don`t know if this is just a novelty thing as I`ve only been fish keeping about 3 months but I just...
  34. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    Sheffield Aquatics on langsett road. They get new stock every other week. Got nearly all my fish from there and not had a single one die.
  35. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    we`ll my breeding experience is, DON`T LAUGH, Guppies :hyper: we`ve all bred guppies havn`t we if not purely by accident. that was the reason for my third tank (soon to be home for my new Betta ) just thought it was cool to have fry, now I`m over run with it. So as I said I`m in no rush to breed...
  36. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    As always thanks for the advice. For now they are all in seperate tanks. I`ve just read a bit about breeding Bettas, it sounds a proper pain in the backside, very time consuming, so I`m in no rush to go down that road just yet :blink:
  37. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    will do, thanks
  38. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    The plan is for her to go in one tomorrow. I`ve got a floating trap and I`ve been told by my lfs to float her in that to see how each male reacts to her, if no or little reaction it should be ok but they did say there is always risks with Bettas and to keep an eye on them for a while. Does this...
  39. LJEV

    Is This A Rare Female Fighter Or A Bit Of Sales Bs ?

    Thanks :good: Been reading your posts, sorry to hear all the problems you`ve been having. :/ I so far havn`t lost a fish, but I`ve not been at it long, but from reading other posts it seems to be a snowball effect, when 1 fish gets sick, so does another and another etc no mater how you keep on...