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  1. J

    Help! Fin Rot!

    Hi (: So my betta's had ick before and i managed to successfully cure it however, it started getting fin rot (it's tail is frayed and getting obviously shorter :/ ) i went out and bought some medicine from a nearby pet store and it's called distinct-M (a water treatment against mycotic ulcer...
  2. J

    Betta Splenden - After Ick

    oh okay thanks! my fish looks a lot better now. the dorsal fin isn't clumped anymore and he's very active now. thanks so much (:
  3. J

    Male Betta - After Ick?!

    hey thank you so much!! his dorsal fin isn't clumped and down anymore :D and he's a lot more active now :) i'm so glad the ick is gone. thanks so much again!
  4. J

    Male Betta - After Ick?!

    thank you so much!! oh and should i still feed it once a day? or is there a special diet routine for a recovering betta? thanks again
  5. J

    Betta Splenden - After Ick

    ): no, the school just gave us the fish to take home. the only tip they gave us was to not put a mirror or another betta in front of it my tank is about 1 liter and i have no idea how to get water stats... i use tap water but my dad told me to leave it out for a day before putting it in the...
  6. J

    Male Betta - After Ick?!

    Hi :/ so i brought home a male betta two weeks ago from school (we had a lab on fish behavior and were allowed to keep the fish after) It looked very healthy and lively and ate like a pig. It also flared every time it saw anything that moves. However, a week ago, i came home from school and...
  7. Betta splenden sick.jpg

    Betta splenden sick.jpg

  8. Betta splenden 2.jpg

    Betta splenden 2.jpg

  9. J

    Betta Splenden - After Ick

    Hi :/ so i brought home a male betta two weeks ago from school (we had a lab on fish behavior and were allowed to keep the fish after) It looked very healthy and lively and ate like a pig. It also flared every time it saw anything that moves. However, a week ago, i came home from school and...
  10. Betta splenden sick.jpg

    Betta splenden sick.jpg

  11. Betta splenden 2.jpg

    Betta splenden 2.jpg
