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  1. Z

    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    ok i got the tank ect i also got "salt fighter size" and ACE "ammonia chlorine eliminator" on the back of the salt the dosage guidline for "FRESHWATER" is 1 tablespoon tp 20L.. but y do i need to add the salt for freswater tropical?
  2. Z

    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    i thought that but why would there be salt as part of the kit?? not i have treated my tank and added the salt so i would say that the tank is set up for marine fish... now im worried that i'll put tropicle fish in and they'll go belly up, sould i just put some clown fish in and see how they go?
  3. Z

    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    hey guys i got a new tank today and am letting it settle for a week befor i get fish, now i was told today that marine set ups cost arround $1200 AUD so i opted for the tropical set up but what is the differance are they not both salt water fish?? pls help