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  1. N

    Advice appreciated

    Thank you very much for all the advice everyone, I have tried again with the bettas and did much better but to keep a long story short i lost them again, not through the same situation though. Lets just say i have had a terrible couple of weeks as far as fishkeeping are concerned. In fact ive...
  2. N

    insane lace gourami

    Hi all, has anyone ever had a lace gourami suddenly start to attack all the fish in the tank if they cross his path?? Just arrived home to find guppies with ripped fins, angels looking extremely harrassed and general chaos in the tank. The gourami in question is in full breeding colours...
  3. N

    Advice appreciated

    The whiteness was not like a fungus but was chalky. the temperature is kept at 24 c and no new fish had ben added or anything added to the water. Since this i have treated the tank for fungus in case thats what it was and have done a water change as i fear it may have been ammonia poisoning of...
  4. N

    Advice appreciated

    Hello all. I would be gratefull if anyone could give mesome idea a sto why my bettas died over last weekend. I had a young male who was doing great, and three females all very colourful and active. Over the course of two days their eyes and then their heads turned white and sadly they passed...