Search results

  1. andybuc01

    Can Anyone Identify These?

    Definatly a pair of Lab Perlmutt's. I have been checking and am 99.9% certain thats what they are. Also I am fairly confident that the other is a Blue Zebra. The Greshakei looks to light in the body. Pics of Blue Zebras are almost identical.
  2. andybuc01

    Can Anyone Identify These?

    Thanks, Always learning- I think you could be right with the Perlmutt. I have had a look on google and it certainly looks like my fish. Funny how the shop sold them as something different! They have a pretty good temperament too. For the second i also had a Zebra on my list of possibilities...
  3. andybuc01

    Can Anyone Identify These?

    Hi, thanks for your response> The 2nd, the larger fish i also thought could be an Afra. The first is definatly not though. In the face (shape) it looks like some kind of Labidochromis species. I have quite a good picture of one of them but don't know how to post it on here. That Afra in your...
  4. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Checked my tap water today and it reads around 30ppm!! That sucks. I am trying to get the nitrates down and it's coming out the tap at 30!
  5. andybuc01

    Can Anyone Identify These?

    Hi all, Can anyone identify these 2 fish from my videos- sorry about the dodgy cameraman! This one was sold to my as Cy Fleeti. I have Googled the name but not come up with much. Can anyone confirm or identify. It's the striped fish the camera is following. I have a pair and they are really...
  6. andybuc01

    Spare Tank Is It Suitable?

    My brother-in-law has 2 tanks,the smaller being around 125l and he has it stocked with Mbuna with great success. As has been said, that size is below what is generally reccomended but with a little thought it can work. My brother-in-laws is thriving. No real aggression problems, healthy fish...
  7. andybuc01


    Hello, Yeah, i saw them. Thanks. Might give them a go. Kind regards, Andy
  8. andybuc01


    Hi, I have been to my local aquatics store to try and get some spirulina flakes but the best i could get was Ocean Nutrition- Vegi Flakes. I have had a look on E-bay and there appears loads of different products to choose from. Can anyone recommend a good, good value flake/ pellet? Andy
  9. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Hi, Thanks for your help. My fish all seem pretty happy although i have just had an outbreak of Ich which i hopefully have under control with medication. I'm pretty sure that this has been bought on by the stress of all the water changes, poor water conditions and possibly some recent...
  10. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Hi Dorsey, Why do you say that? I have heard that your tap water can contain Nitrate, but what do you do if it does?? Many thanks, Andy
  11. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Have done a 50% change again today and they are looking pretty happy. Down to around 40ppm now. Will do another big change tomorrow. Will keep you informed. Thanks for the advice. Andy
  12. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Thanks. Just done a good water change. Will do same again tomorrow, then take it from there. Andy
  13. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Thanks for responses. Am changing water now. Once the water changes get it to a good level will it remain low with regular weekly changes? Is this big peak just because i had so much nitrite and ammonia in the water previously and it has all been turned into nitrate? I was changing about 50%...
  14. andybuc01

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Hi, I had some problems a few weeks back with high nitrite and ammonia levels in my tank. Since then i have got both down to zero thanks to advice from people on this forum. Clearly now my 2 filters have taken proper effect and are doing a good job, but i have just done a water test today and...
  15. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Hi, Sterazin is for gill and body flukes. It also treats internal worms. The fish didn't make it. Had to put him to sleep :( Kind regards, Andy
  16. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Thanks all for your comments. Since my last post i have lost 1 fish- the one with the red bloody fins. He took a turn for the worse and was clearly in distress so i had to put him out of his misery. :( Otherwise things seem to be improving. I have kept up the wholesale water changes and it...
  17. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Thanks again. Have just noticed one with red stripes/ blotches in his tail and anal fin. i can only describe it as like broken blood vessels. He is swimming around but doesnt look to clever. I am off to do another water change. Will keep you informed of how they are getting on. Kind regards...
  18. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Thanks for all the advice. I have kept Malawi's before with success, but on this occasion my heart ruled my head. I feel so bad for the fish that have passed away. I know we learn from our mistakes but when lives are at stake............. The Sterazin has guidelines as you know, saying treat...
  19. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Also, how many times a day do you all feed your fish. Once or twice? I have been feeding as much as they can eat in a couple on mins twice a day. There is never any left so sink but as you say, the more food, the more fish waste.
  20. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Thanks for your speedy responses. Also, sorry about the poor grammar and spelling. Really should read before i post! I will continue with the water changes as advised. Also will cut back the feed. Just before the deaths began my fish started rubbing off objects in the tank. I started treating...
  21. andybuc01

    Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying

    Tank size: 350l pH: 8.0 ammonia: 0.25 nitrite: 0.25 nitrate: 20ppm kH: gH: tank temp: 26c Hello all, I am hoping someone can give me some advice. I have a tank of Malawi Cichlids and they are ill and dying at a rate of about 1 a day. I have been incredibly stupid and added a large number of...