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  1. Craig B

    What Submersible Lights Do You Use For Chaeto?

    It's no coincidence Simon, mine did exactly the same, I was struggling to get my Nitrates below 40 at one point, roughly 2 weeks after adding the Chaeto they dropped to 10 and have sat there since :D I find mine has growth spurts, It won't grow much for a week or so and then a week later it...
  2. Craig B

    What Submersible Lights Do You Use For Chaeto?

    How are you getting on with the Chaeto Simon?
  3. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    There has been very little to report to be honest Seffie, a general lack of funds has quashed any idea's I had for improvements or additional stock to the Betta Nano. Then the RSM came along at a price I couldn't refuse so it all starts again :S I've ordered an InTank Media Rack and skimmer...
  4. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Hi folks, Hope you are all well. It's been a while since my last confession but there's not been much to report, Until today that is :D I now own a Red sea Max 130 :D :D :D I will do a new journal once I've transfered the stock over from the Betta Nano, which will be sometime next week...
  5. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Great to see you back on board Seffie, now it's the weekend you can just relax with your bottle of choice :good: Have you got any recent pics of yours at all? Here's me struggling to get a 2 footer in our house :/
  6. Craig B

    Finally Started My Nano Tank

    I think that was a typo from Simonas, I think he has a 20ish gallon tank, around 25usg He is correct though in the small tanks the water perameters can swing very suddenly and keeping them stable means you have to be dilligent.
  7. Craig B

    Wet My Feet With Nano

    I think the AIO nano's a superb and a great entry into the hobby, just don't expect it to be cheap! Do you know what Corals you would like to keep? Have you researched them at all? I know folks that keep Bangaii Cardinals in 24usg nano's so there's no problem there. On the current crop of...
  8. Craig B

    My River Reef 94 Marine Adventure!

    Simon, I've never had 0 nitrate either and I am running Chaeto as you know, I'm not experiencing any issues thus far with my nitrates around 10mg/l though and I am sure the figure would be much higher if I wasn't running Chaeto
  9. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    That's for the kind comments didz04, Have you made a journal for your tank at all? And speaking of 5ft's I'm pretty sure that both Seffie (Whats happened to Seffie???) and Trod both went from 130L Nano's to 5ft tanks or there abouts, I would highly recommend you read both of their journals...
  10. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Here is the Nephthea tree coral. I placed it by my Bubble coral but they were very,very close once the tree coral opened out so I've had to move it over a bit. Anyhoo please see the pics below of when I had it near the Bubble coral: I get a pic of it fully extended hopefully tomorrow :)
  11. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I will suggest that to the wife The main problem (aside from cash) is that the missus likes the look of the Red Sea Max 130 but she honestly thinks it will be too big! and that's a 2 foot tank :rolleyes: Although she has purchased her first coral today, She picked a...
  12. Craig B

    Little Nemo Diary

    I can't believe I didn't spot this thread earlier, This is truely epic thread Nemo, I've been engrosed since page one and I've now spent my entire morning reading this thread. :D It's a fantastic diary, please keep us up to date as you have been, It's an amazing read that's for sure. :good:
  13. Craig B

    How Much For Water Changes On 150G Marine Tank?

    No mate, my problem is I can't stop looking for the cool gadgets, Reefloat are supposed to releasing an auto water changer soon that will be <£100 and obviously based on our 240v supply. It would be a total waste on my nano as I'm only doing 18L (20%) water changes so hardly hard work but on the...
  14. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    I think you might be right Barney, It truely is an addiction, I remember reading Seffie and Trods journals with the Orca 130 tanks and look where they are now :D I'll have to sell the sofa if I want to get a 5x3x2 in the lounge :lol:
  15. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Thanks Barney There's not much I can do about the Shrimp and Goby but leave them to their own devices and see if they can resolve their issues :D With the RSM, I believe that folks have kept Monti's and Acro's in them successfully with standard lighting but I'm going to do a web search and...
  16. Craig B

    What Salt?

    I use D-D H2Ocean and have no complaints, it mixes well and the perameters are always spot on :good:
  17. Craig B

    How Much For Water Changes On 150G Marine Tank?

    Or you could spend a fortune and get one of THESE :D Stupidly expensive and not the easiest to install but quite cool
  18. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Ok so we had a strange event on Saturday, I woke up to find that the Pistol Shrimp and my (faded) yellow watchman Goby had struck up their symbiotic partnership. It was great, the shrimp was beavering around cleaning their cave and the YWG was sat keeping watch, I tried to get a pic but every...
  19. Craig B

    What Submersible Lights Do You Use For Chaeto?

    If you need any Chaeto Simon give me a shout and I'll post some to you
  20. Craig B

    What Would Too Cool Water Do To Corals Etc?

    The cheaper option would be an Eheim Jager Heater, they are fitted with very acurate thermostats and are extremely reliable, you can get them on Ebay for less than £15, I run 2 of them now and have had no issues, although as I said before my TC10 controls the tank temp but I've got a 100w one in...
  21. Craig B

    What Would Too Cool Water Do To Corals Etc?

    THIS is what I use Simon, Excellent piece of kit it controls both the heater and my fans. I set the temp to 80.5oF and the heater comes on at 80oF and the fans kick in at 80.7oF does a cracking job and takes out the potential problem of heater thermostats sticking on.
  22. Craig B

    New Ultra High Tec System

    I agree with Ben on a few of the items there, The Godiva tank is a better option than the RSM, personal preference I suppose. GHL controller, definately, It's a very comprehensive piece of kit and can also control Koralia power heads with the additional wave unit. For powerheads I would go for...
  23. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Thanks Harry, the lad seems to be settling in much better now (thank god) Bae, It's a YWG alright but I don't think he and the pistol shrimp have been aquainted yet and even if they do meet up there's no guarantee that they will pair up, I'm hoping they do though. Anyway, the Pistol shrimp...
  24. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Ok, so I'm a little late with an update but there's not much to tell really. My new CUC arrived last Friday and that was another stressful day as I realised I was not really kitted up for aclimatising 8 bags of livestock, so I did them 2 bags at a time I started at 10am and the last bags was...
  25. Craig B

    What Submersible Lights Do You Use For Chaeto?

    I can confirm Simonas that they work incredibly well, my chaeto has doubled in 3 weeks, If you need any then I can send you some next time I harvest it. When I checked yesterday it had packed the filter compartment so much it was restricting the flow to the Skimmer and I was getting loads of...
  26. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    The school have been brilliant, nothing short of. Their hands are tied somewhat with disapline towards the Child that hit my son as the police and social services are involved, The family are already well know to both :rolleyes: We live in a very quiet street that over looks Cannock Chase...
  27. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Yes Seffie, he started school on Tuesday last week and was attacked on the way home on Friday :shout:
  28. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Sorry for not providing any updates but life has been hectic as my 11 year old Autistic son was attacked by a feelow pupil and neighbour of ours last Friday and sorting that out has took priority (It all sounds like doom and gloom on here at the moment -_- ) Anyway that's all sorted so...
  29. Craig B

    My Nano Tank Water Change

    I've used Windowline on my tank from time to time when the kids have covered it in finger prints and there's been no issues, I do spray it on a rag in the kitchen though so it's not air bourne in the same room as the tank. It's just common sense really, I wouldn't spray it over my tank :hyper...
  30. Craig B

    Been In New House For Less Than 2 Months And Destroyed Floor :(

    Sounds like a plan :lol: :lol: :lol: I once knew a ermmmm friend who wanted a new TV so he tipped water down the back of his TV and told the insurance company his wife knocked over a vase of flowers that he had on top, silly boy, Got himself a new flat screen mind ;) Hope you can sort it...
  31. Craig B

    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    Edd, Sorry to hear about this it's an incredibly unpleasant event, to put it mildly, and unfortunatly a sign of the times. To any one who is suggesting he fights back, I think regardless of training or fighting prowess in a similar situation you would no doubt do no more or less than Edd and...
  32. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Buy a smaller flow restrictor to slow the flow through your DI, they are only £3 from Osmotics ;)
  33. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Thanks for that Ben hopefully the rest of this escapade will be as enjoying. Also, I wouldn't lose any sleep over a TDS of 1, I think my meter is acurate to +/- 1TDS so mine could be 1 also :D
  34. Craig B

    What Submersible Lights Do You Use For Chaeto?

    I've got 2 of THESE in the first chamber of my Betta Nano's filter but tbh it's still too early to gauge their success as I've only had them in about a fortnight. They should work fine and have algae growing on them but like I said it's a little too early to se the results with the chaeto.
  35. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Ebuyer Harry, they are about £2 each and are 80mm 12v computer fans, there's little point spending a fortune on them as the salt will kill them in no time. I got my 50mm fans (built into the hood in the original positions above the lighting ballasts) from Maplins, I think they were £3 each...
  36. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    So here is my lighting mod, the top one of the 3 tubes is the one I added, I originally added the light as one of the factory fitted jobbies wasn't always coming on in a morning, I re wired the connections but it still refused to fire up some day's (it's beleived to be a ballast fault now) and I...
  37. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    In my defence Seffie, that wall is totally hidden usually, I have to move the washing machine to get access to the RO unit, I just didn't want everyone to think I lived in a shrine to the 70's that's falling apart :shout: :D Anyway, the Boxer shrimp is being collected today and the same guy...
  38. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Here you go, my tap water is 350, post RO/Pre DI is 13 and Post DI is in the picture below :) And here's a picture of some 60's/70's style wallpaper that is usually hidden
  39. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    Sorry Adam, I had missed this post previously, I wasn't ignoring you. Yeah the bubble did much prefer the new position when I moved it and has responded really well to the additional lighting I've added. It also seems to be a big fan of Mysis shrimp so I'm feeding that twice a week now. as for...
  40. Craig B

    Hi My Name Is Craig And I'm And Alcoho............

    I ordered some additional CUC today, the Boxer shrimp is going to a local guy and I'm having a couple of Cleaner shrimp and a peppermint in his place, hopefully the peppermint will tackle the Aiptasia for me. Everything is running sweet at the moment, I have added a Hi-Blow type air pump to the...