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  1. N

    help with a mbu puffer

    Hi Many thanx for all your replys . the lfs man has come and said that the puffer is fine and so is the tank. He has been moving around for the first time today and lfs guy said he has proberly just been sulking at moving homes. he said the puffer was like it when he first had it in the fish...
  2. N

    help with a mbu puffer

    many thanx. I will get the lfs guy round tomorrow and see what he thinks . the belly of the pufferfish is nice and white and i did read somewhere that it turns dark gray black when it is stressed ?. prehaps it is just taking longer to get used to its new surroundings i will let the expert take a...
  3. N

    help with a mbu puffer

    Many thanx for the replys. The tank is a 3 foot tank with a Fluval 4 plus filter. The Mbu puffer is about 2 inches not including the tail ( i know it will have to have a bigger tank in a while saving up for one all ready ). The guy from the lfs saw the tank when he delivered a tank for my dad...
  4. N

    help with a mbu puffer

    Hi i have just got myself a mbu puffer after saving up for a nice tank to put him in , this is the first puffer that i have kept although i have kept tropical fish for a long time. When he was in the lfs he was swimming about all over the place and would follow your finger if u put it on the...
  5. N

    Large Community Fish

    :D Are there any large fish ( say 4-5 inches big ) that you can put into a community tank with out them making a meal out of the fish all ready in there ? Its a very big corner tank below are some of the fish that are in there all have been together now for about 6 months. Anostomus Anostomus...
  6. N

    figure eight puffer

    :D Many thanx to you all for making me feel welcome and many thanx for the information about the pufferfish , looking forward to future discussions :D
  7. N

    figure eight puffer

    :D First off i would like to say hello to everybody , i am new to this site and this is the first topic that i have wrote. i am from London , England and would like to give a big shout out to all those fish keepers out there :D I am after abit of advice about...