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  1. A

    What Invertebrates Are There That Originate In South America?

    I don't know if you want non-aquatic inverts, but there's plenty of phasmids/stick insects if you want any of them? Things like Oreophoetes peruana (Peruvian Fern Stick Insect), Pseudophasma acanthonota, Peruphasma schultei (Black Beauty Stick Insect), Rugosolibethra sp etc. I've never kept any...
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    Set-Up Questions

    So, as a child I used to keep a pair of goldfish in an un-filtered tank, until they died after about 5 years. Looking back, I'm extremely lucky that they lived that long, given the state the water must have been in, and how stressed they must have been when I dumped them in a bucket every week...