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  1. M

    Lighting for plant growth.

    The plant is dependent on photosynthesis and light is very important for it. An aquarium with fish only needs a little light. But if you wish to keep the aquarium heavily planted then you have to install new lights. Fluorescent light is better than normal incandescent light in a planted...
  2. M

    Fin clamping and breathing rapidly..?

    The fish will paddle from side to side. Fish with shimmies may have fins attached to the air and have difficulty breathing. It can also cause the body to move or vibrate. To know more about the disease plz visit the link
  3. M

    Newly Born Ballon Babies With Curved Spine

    yesterday . my ballon mollie gave fry . One of them was curved spine . While i already removed about 30 guppies and platies about 3 months old with curved spine clamped fins and still on the surface . what is the reason of little baby,s curved spine ? is that because of some disease or genetic...
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    Guppies And Mollies With Curved Body

    hi . there was 40 guppy fry of 3 months old in my 20 gallon tank . there was 40 guppy 2 month old fry. 10 platies , 4 zebra danios and 6 mollies in 20 gallon tank . i treated the tank from ick with salt for 10 days . but during treatment platies stoped eating . they were standing still at...
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    Guppies And Mollies With Curved Body

    hi . there was 40 guppy fry of 3 months old in my 20 gallon tank . there was 40 guppy 2 month old fry. 10 platies , 4 zebra danios and 6 mollies in 20 gallon tank . i treated the tank from ick with salt for 10 days . but during treatment platies stoped eating . they were standing still at...