Search results

  1. saraht808

    Help Please?

    For the sand I added Natures Ocean Aragonite Sand substrate. I bought it from Petco. I've been doing daily 25% water changes. Should I change out more water? I'm scared to take out too much of the original water since I just did a 75% water change two days ago.. I don't have sand in the...
  2. saraht808

    Help Please?

    Tank size: 10gal [sick tank: 2 1/2 gal] I know their tank is small but its the only one I can fit and afford and they've been completely happy until now. And they actually used to be absolutely content in their own individual 2 1/2 gallon tanks. pH: ammonia: nitrite: nitrate: kH: gH: tank temp...
  3. IMG_7005.jpg


  4. IMG_6993.jpg

