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  1. L

    Which Substrate Should I Use?

    we have bought a 60l tank which we are going to put our rams into, i was told that the best substrate to use for rams the is sand? i this right?
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    Which Fish Should I Get?

    we have already worked out how many fish we can put in ect, just wanted some ideas really, we want some fish that get no bigger than zebra danios, Our tank is very peacefull and we dont have any problems between the bigger fish and smaller fish
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    Which Fish Should I Get?

    Yes it is 6 foot :D
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    Which Fish Should I Get?

    I want to get some smaller fish tomorrow for my communtiy tank, anyone got any suggestions? we have neon tetras, rummy nose tetras and zebra danios and guppys our other fish are............... Plec Clown loaches pearl gourami Glass catfish male sword tail female sword tail Sliver shark Rams (...
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    Sleeping Loaches

    I have 2 clown loaches, they have to be my fav fish and mine sleep on there side and i have cave that i made and they both sleep on there sides together on a ledge of the cave!! they are very funny :D
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    What Sort Of Tuna?

    Thats ok, i will get some tuna for them
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    What Sort Of Tuna?

    I asked a question the other day about my 2 rams as they are not well and not eating and someone replyed to me saying feed them tuna? but what sort of tuna do i feed them? i did ask but they never got back to me so does anyone else know?
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    Did My Sister Just Come Home With A Platy Or A Molly?

    I may be wrong as i am new to tropical fish keeping but it looks like a female swordtail? a pregnant one! but like i say i could be wrong, google female swordtail and compare pictures
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    Pearl Gourami

    I have 2 female pearl gouramis and 1 male and i have had no problems with mine at all, but we did have 2 female moonlight gouramis and we had to take them back as they were very aggressive to each other and my other fish.
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    My Rams Are Not Well, Help Please

    I am not sure what live food it was a my parnter bought it, what sort of tuna? and what do you mean by substrate? sorry if i seem thick i am new to all this and i am still learning! i can turn the temp up if needed as i moved them into my hospital tank over a week ago and its just the 2 rams in...
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    Stoking Tank

    I have 2 glass cat fish and they are really cool :D
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    Which Of Your Fish Have Had The Best Personality?

    I have only had my tank set up for a year, but my favourite are my 2 clown loaches they a such funny fish and i love watching them, they both sleep together on the sides in a cave i have in my tank :shifty:
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    My Rams Are Not Well, Help Please

    Yes i have mixed them up!
  14. L

    Help With Stocking Please :d

    My red tail shark is very small at the moment my clown loaches are doulble the size of the red tailed shark at the moment, and he isn't at all aggressive lets hope he dosen't turn as he gets bigger he keeps himself to himself. We were given 2 pearl gouramis and 2 moonlight gouramis and we had to...
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    Help With Stocking Please :d

    In my community tank i have Rummy nose tetras Neon tetras Zebra danios, they are very funny fish! Clown loaches, they are my favourite they are very entertaining to watch Guppys Pearl gourami, they are a bigger fish but very peacefull and fun to watch Red tailed shark High finned blue german...
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    My Rams Are Not Well, Help Please

    Tank size: 240 litres in main tank and they are now in a 60 litre tank on thier own, these are the readings for the 60 litre tank pH:6.4 ammonia:0 nitrite:10 nitrate:0 kH:0d gH:0d tank temp:27 Celsius In the main tank that they were in i have neon tetras, runny nose tetras, zebra danios, clown...
  17. L

    My Rams Are Not Well, Help Please

    I have 1 male high finned ram and 1 high finned female ram, we were given them as a present along with 2 moonlight gouramis, when we got the 2 rams they both had silghtly damaged tails but then the gouramis damaged their tails even more so we took the gouramis back and we have the 2 rams now in...