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  1. T

    Venting Electric Yellows?

    Hiya, It sure is hard to sex them, i am having the same issues which i posted about below you :) Since i posted that i have tried venting two other Labs at the shop and i have to say it was easier in bright light and with bigger fish. I think when a female has had eggs before it becomes easy to...
  2. T

    Electric Yellow Labs Well-Being Concerns And Sexing Question

    Cheers. Heh i chuckled when i looked for what you called that fish and i saw you titled that photo "unknown fish" ;P I see what you mean heh. That is bizarre that it could morph so much. It sure looks like a Yellow Lab...but it sure isnt yellow! Interesting pattern on caudal and dorsal fins. Do...
  3. T

    Electric Yellow Labs Well-Being Concerns And Sexing Question

    Thanks guys and thank you very much indeed George, i really appreciate and am learning from your depth of reply. Interesting that you think it might not even be a straight Lab.. that could explain a few things! I was only feeding a small cube of bloodworm twice a week, as the fish shop said...
  4. T

    Electric Yellow Labs Well-Being Concerns And Sexing Question

    Thanks forby3. The more i look at them both now they both "look" like males as far as colouring, but it is their behaviour at times which looks like courting that confuses me.. lol.. i went back again now and looked again and they both "look" female! I give up heh. My thought is to then get 3...
  5. T

    Electric Yellow Labs Well-Being Concerns And Sexing Question

    Hi, thank you for anyone taking the time to try and help me and these fish out :) I know this is a bit of a read but i'd rather give as much info as i can as i am concerned that one of these Labs will die soon if i can't work out what is wrong. About 2 weeks ago I got 2  Labidochromis...