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  1. S

    betta trouble

    thankyou for all of your help, cost of writing off more food isn;t a problem, I'm aloud to do that, changing the water more is good, advice, I wasn't sure if changing it that often would put to much stress on them, but I guess a little stress isn't s harmful as amonia. the store doesn't get...
  2. S

    betta trouble

    These bettas are in a jar probably about a 1/4 of a gallon. I also hate them being in that small of a tank, but you must remeber that they are there to be sold, unfortunatly most, not all, but most pet stores dont have the space to keep them in anything bigger. I do a water change once a week...
  3. S

    your recomendation

    As I've already stated I work at a pet sotre, and I want an opinion of what's concidered the best filter for what kinds of seniero. I've found the bio-wheels are great I've been very pleased with them, but I've hear aquaclear is pretty good for bacteria. Also what about undergravel filters? I...
  4. S

    betta trouble

    I work in a pet store, and as everyone know we are not trained to take care of any of the animals in there. Fortunately we only sell betta's as our live animals. I've noticed some of the betta's get sluggish and lay at the bottom. Sometimes they come out of it and become lively again, and...