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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Rorie

    Equipment Suggestion

    My eyes were on a Red sea 130d which was going cheap, but i don't think it'll come true now.   So, i have started looking at a 'custom made' tank which will be about the same price, but come will come with a weir and sump and cabinet.   I will need to get equipment for a 110L tank with sump...
  2. Rorie


    Cool thanks for the comments.   As i say i am used to tropicals which are generally fine - i hated using food blocks and found it safer to not feed them at all during the holiday.   But from what have read, people seem to say you can't leave Marines like you can tropicals.   So far, i don't have...
  3. Rorie


    I was wondering if/how i can leave a marine aquarium when i go on holiday?   I live in the middle of nowhere, so its not possible to have somebody coming in.   Can i leave it for 2 weeks?  what is the main requirement and is there a way to automate it?  I.e. auto feeders?   If i were to get a...
  4. Rorie

    Good Price? What Else Would I Need?

    Cool.   slightly off the track, but, if i were to go on holiday for say 2 weeks, will the tank be ok?  I know tropical can last a week no bother, and with an automatic feeder it can last a few weeks…..but how about marine?   I don't really have the ability to have somebody coming round as i live...
  5. Rorie

    Good Price? What Else Would I Need?

    Yeh thats what i was thinking.  I guess #250 is a good price given they are #700 new?
  6. Rorie

    Good Price? What Else Would I Need?

    Hi folks, I have been looking at all my options for getting my first marine tank. I am thinking i could get one from ND aquatics (link below) which means i can have a new tank, with a sump, and i can buy the other equipment online, prob second hand for a start. But what else do i need? I...
  7. Rorie

    Some Starting Off Questions

    Its something similar to that which i am looking for!  Nice tank.   Do you get a lot of evaporation if your tank is open top?   I guess i should look at buying a bare tank and getting the equipment online… the reason i wanted to get a plug in tank is that the equipment would be suitable, then...
  8. Rorie

    Some Starting Off Questions

    Of great use!  Thanks!  I am struggling to see what all the hype is about….for example the guy in the LFS today told me over and over that this would cost me thousand and thousands…it wasn't easy and i would have to wait about 7 years before i had a tank looking any good.  he went on to tell me...
  9. Rorie

    Some Starting Off Questions

    I went down to my LFS today to look at tanks/fish/corals to try and streamline my thoughts. I have also done a load of reading online but  I still have the following questions...   1) the guy in the LFS said i can buy any 'plug in and play' aquarium and i just need to add a skimmer and change...
  10. Rorie

    What To Buy

    Thanks for all the replies, i appreciate the comments.     When i say cheap, i know marine is much more expensive, i just meant that i dont want the all-singing-all-dancing tank.     My plug in and play tropical tank (Aqua start Aqua style 620 i think) was great as a beginer....but also as my...
  11. Rorie

    What To Buy

    I think I would like to go for a full reef, I would prefer to have live corals than artificial ones, so I guess PAP is still the best option.! But, there is no point buying cheap if it's going to limit me or make my life difficult keeping things alive. What are the main...
  12. Rorie

    What To Buy

    Hi folks,   I have had lots of experience with freshwater, but now want to get a small marine tank.  I know the theory of buy big as you'll do that eventually (i have been there done that) but this tank will be a small one.  One of my favourite fresh water tanks was just 90L.   So i am thinking...
  13. Rorie

    Rorie's Fish House Project

    in short, the waterboard mix ammonia with chlorine in my area. During times of high rain fall they dose this even a level so high that the residual ammonia was 3ppm and killed off all my fish!   They admit to doing this. They say that the levels of ammonia should be ok as your bio...
  14. Rorie

    Filters, Caves, Spawning Cones Etc

    all now on fleebay! User name is rorie87, listed at 99p each!
  15. Rorie

    Rorie's Fish House Project

    Its been a while since i have looked at this thread.  In answer to your question, Zikofski, you are right, the dehumidifier puts out hot, dry air.  This hot air heats the room up past the 26 degree mark.  However, as its 'thermostat' is dictated by moisture, not heat, there would be no way of...
  16. Rorie

    Filters, Caves, Spawning Cones Etc

    The float for the RO is within a 220L RO butt, so i am afraid its not going to be good for positing!  The RO unit is good to go though, but if you have the main body its maybe not that much use?
  17. Rorie

    Filters, Caves, Spawning Cones Etc

    They are all standard air line size (6mm?), so i guess it would work for what you want....   I'm fine thanks.  With fry all over the place i havent had much time for the forum.  Though The lovely people at the waterboard flooded their system with Ammonia which resulted in me loosing around £700...
  18. Rorie

    Filters, Caves, Spawning Cones Etc

    Time for a huge clear out.  I am open to offers ......SENSIBLE offers on the following.  Most of the air filters are just a couple months old so are in good condition.  Willing to sell in parts or as one.  More stuff will be added in due course.   Equipment make/model/size: Various Quantity for...
  19. Rorie

    Easy To Breed Plecos (Other Than Brislenose!)

    looking for plecos which are easy to breed and can be easily found in the uk for not too many pennies!   Anybody got suggestions?   i hear L199, L201 and L333 are easy to breed....but maybe not super easy to find!
  20. Rorie

    Cherry Shrimp Which Can Be Posted - At A Good Price

    As above, looking for some cherry shrimp to start off a colony. Ideally 50p ish in price as for £1 i can buy them almost anywhere. require them to be delivered at an extra cost of course.
  21. Rorie

    Minerals And Ro Water

    I now need to use RO water - long story - and i have some mineral stuff for my discus which i can add to RO water which apparently replaces what is needed. Is this stuff ok for other fish provided i can get PH and GH correct? Is there a better way to treat RO water so i can use only RO? Put...
  22. Rorie

    Ro With Float Set Up

    the check valve is a screw in one. It screws into the outlet of the RO.
  23. Rorie

    Ro With Float Set Up

    yup. check valve is in place
  24. Rorie

    Ro With Float Set Up

    I have just set up my new RO system with float, but it is not working properly. I contacted the seller who thought maybe the 4 way valve wasnt working, so i got a new one. It still doesnt work. When the float activates, the flow stops, but the water to the drain keeps going! Any ideas...
  25. Rorie

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    I will not be letting this rest. I work in the oil and gas industry and sit next to one of the chemists....very handy! If they dont give me my money straight away, i have a whole heap of things up my sleeve to throw at them....things the guy did wrong and the fact their factsheet states your...
  26. Rorie

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    i dont really need to save any water. I have thought about this, but this would give no proof what so ever. I have a bottle of pure ammonia in the house, so i could just add a drop of that in it haha. Anyway. Scottish Water arrived today. I will save you the rant about what a **** the guy...
  27. Rorie

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    the fools decided they couldnt come out the same day and postponed the visit to Monday..... i will be really annoyed if the results then show zero! Either way, i will be submitting a complaint and asking them to replace my fish! Snazy, you make a good point.... i will ask them to check...
  28. Rorie

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    The water company are coming out tonight apparently. There is defo ammonia in the tap water, i just hope his test kit shows the same! If there is ammonia, then i can claim back. I have lost 10 angels, a breeding pair of discus, 10 rams, 10 kribs, 20 treadfin rainbows, 20 odessa barbs, 5 Blue...
  29. Rorie

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    I have my 22 tanks in my fish room. They all run as individual tanks and are not linked in any way. They all have sponge air driven filers rather than box filters. I did a water cvhange two days ago, came in today, and every fish is dead except one tanks! Tested the water obviously, all is...
  30. Rorie

    Guppys And Salt?

    Thanks for all the replies. The reason i am askign is that i have guppys in one half and mollys in the other half of a tank (4 ft long with a divider in the middle). The guppys are all fine, but the mollys seem to hang out at the bottom of the tank a lot....hence i was wondering what was up...
  31. Rorie

    Guppys And Salt?

    surprisingly i know very little about the common guppy and molly! I read mollys need about guppys? If they share a tank are guppys ok with salt to satisfy mollys?
  32. Rorie

    Pond Pump For Fish Room

    hmm, i have no idea haha. any idea of shop name? or size i'd need?
  33. Rorie

    Pond Pump For Fish Room

    I need a new air pump for my fish room. Currently running a 50l/min Yamitsu LP50. I have 26 air filters running and it just doesnt have enough 'umph'! The filters in my deeper tanks (just 18 inches deep) are not running, so i need to put bog wood under them so the water pressure is less. Then...
  34. Rorie

    Hagen Glo T5 Ho Double 54w Aquarium Light Over Tank Overhead

    Equipment: HAGEN GLO T5 HO DOUBLE 54W aquarium light over tank overhead Age and condition: Used for less than a year Quantity for sale: 2 units Reason for Sale: No longer use my 5 ft tank Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: £40 Postage & Packaging: £12 (can come to a deal if both are...
  35. Rorie

    Digital Gh Meter?

    Do these exist? I am now testing GH and PH regularly for my 22 aquariums. I have a digital PH meter but want a digital GH. Anybody know? Not that cost £50 though! .. or, i read that TDS is linked to there a conversion at all or is it just high TDS=high GH?
  36. Rorie

    August 2012 Pet Of The Month Winner Is:

    The whole photo is showing for me!
  37. Rorie

    Ammonia Fishless Cycle

    Rorie's Fish Room when i get up and going :P Dobies garden centre. They were pretty good for a while, really clean tanks. Change of manager though. Still, got a good range of fish! I used to go to A1 a lot.....cant be bothered with them now though! and TBH, i never buy fish from the shops...
  38. Rorie

    Ammonia Fishless Cycle

    I am thinking i have super low PH. I thought i read PH didnt matter...but considering my tanks with fish in are lucky if they get above 6..... i will check that now and does the bicarb!
  39. Rorie

    Ammonia Fishless Cycle

    i"m at 32 degrees in the tanks, loads of air, loads of surface movement..... next solution :P I dont understand! I have nitrite readings sky high in one tank, but just a trace in the others!