Search results

  1. J

    Massive Die-Off

    Thanks to those who replied. All the swordtails and guppies have died. the neons and peppered corys are fine with no losses. I understand that the tank was way overstocked, that was one reason i added the second filter. The nitrite levels were at 1 and the ammonia levels were at .5, so I'm...
  2. J

    Massive Die-Off

    Request Help Tank size: 125 gals pH: 6.8 ammonia: .50 nitrite: 1.0 nitrate: 20 kH: 300 gH: 120 tank temp: 75F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): fish are just dying, guppies grouping at top of tank in the corners. Volume and Frequency of...