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  1. J

    Someone Please Help!

    Out of interest how do you keep the hospital tank / quarantine tank cycled - especially if your switching from sick fish to new fish - needs to be cleaned you use new fiter media?
  2. J

    Someone Please Help!

    I get your point, but on the other hand if we had anti bacterial and anti parasite fish food available here in the uk, lots of ill fish could be saved. I've learned a lot though in the past couple weeks - PREVENT is the key word here for me......over-filter the tank, keep on top of water changes...
  3. J

    Someone Please Help!

    He's still alive, on his side though still.....I think he is eating the plants still. Noticed his poo is stringy and green/ he's become maybe slightly bloated....loosing his colour.... ...have added pimafix and ordered some anti bac & anti paracite Jungle Labs fish food from the...
  4. J

    Someone Please Help!

    Ok thanks for the info. Just thought I'd say a couple months ago I had the same thing happen - 2 platy's had same symptoms - it was columnaris - I treated with waterlife Myazin in hospital tank - It didn't do anything - they both died! That is why I didn't use it this time. Can I use the...
  5. J

    Someone Please Help!

    I've added salt to the man tank, treated with interpet no.8 anti finrot & fungus and have ordered a new, better filter....fluval u4. What else can i do? Hope i'm using correct's definately an outbreak of Flexibacter Columnaris.
  6. J

    Someone Please Help!

    It's an outbreak of Flexibacter Columnaris. (IN THE MAIN TANK)
  7. J

    Someone Please Help!

    0ppm ammonia, 0.1 Nitrite (why - tanks not new), 0.5ppm Nitrate, ph 8. I isolated him in a 20L tank, used cycle and treating him with Interpet internal bacteria treatment. He is breathing fast on his side at the bottom. Not swimming much. Very thin poos trailing from his behind.....constipated...
  8. J

    Someone Please Help!

    Hi Guys, Right I have a 100 litre tank of 12 glowlight tetras and 15 platys... There is a tetra that is swimming round in circles and upside down, sometimes on his side. he is eating though, and is swimming about pretty fast. Just noticed it last night. What is this? Whirling disease? I...
  9. J

    Platies Dying On Me! Please Help!

    The fish in the hospital tank both died - the water quality was excellent.....the waterlife treatment did not work.....#40## IT!! It was fin rot and smmall ulcer on the fin...yes red/pink with a circling of white tissue around edges.... Not sure why the treatment didn't work.... The main...
  10. J

    Platies Dying On Me! Please Help!

    What shall I do for the ill fish - the waterlife treatment hasn't worked - it's the last day - no improvement???? Please help - don't want this little fella to die!
  11. J

    Platies Dying On Me! Please Help!

    Hi, I'm new to the forums but I have been keeping fish successfully for about 3 years. I have a 100 litre tropical tank with x12 Glowlight Tetras, 8 Platies that have bred like crazy giving a further 10 small adolescent fish. Trouble started about 3 weeks ago - without warning two dead fish...