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  1. R

    External Filter Vs Live Rock Help Please

    also just wondering if one these refuigum kits form ebay are any good and would help? cheers
  2. R

    External Filter Vs Live Rock Help Please

    ] So, my plan would be: (as long as you have no livestock - if you have livestock consider putting them in a holding tank for now) Test the water you are either buying or making (before putting in the tank) for phosphates etc and post results here am doing tests, last results were all fine...
  3. R

    External Filter Vs Live Rock Help Please

    Hello all to the basics right i have a 48x18x18 tank running with 18-20kg of live rock. It also has a skimmer and an external filter connected to a uv. However of late i have had huge algea problems, i pout this due to lack of cleaning canister, and dodgy lighting for the last year as never...
  4. R

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Glad to see this is going well. Sorry didnt post about where i heard it earlier as i forgot my login#!! When i was there sunday they didnt have much live rock at all, but probably coz you took it all. I rember going in and getting my 22kg, took ny on most of the tank!! my tank is going...
  5. R

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Hello mate Hopeful;ly you'll see this as joined to let you know that RATS CATS AND ELEPHATNS will be closed form 25th dec unitl 2nd of jan i think it said, so any thing you need will have to wait till the 2nd of jan sorry buddy