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  1. 1

    What Cory Should I Get?

    Oh ok, thanks
  2. 1

    Feeding Plecos

    Well the tank is 60l, with two dividers so 3 20l sections. And i have an external filter for an 100l tank. In the other sections there are 8 tetras and 3 female bettas.
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    Feeding Plecos

    Well the tank is 60l, with two dividers so 3 20l sections. And i have an external filter for an 100l tank. In the other sections there are 8 tetras and 3 female bettas.
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    What Cory Should I Get?

    I really want a few corys with my African Dwarf Frog and Betta. Its a 20l tank. What type should i get? I feed the frog and betta bloodworm but i've heard that corys cant eat bloodworm. Is this true?
  5. 1

    Feeding Plecos

    I had two plecos (not sure what type) in with my betta and african dwarf frog. I fed the betta and frog bloodworm and the pleco algae wafers. But a few days after i got them one died. Then a week later the other one died. I checked the water and temp after the deaths but it was completely fine...
  6. 1

    Feeding Confusion

    I dont think i'm over feeding them tonnes. There's just small bits that get left over, and i would feed the catfish pellets too. I have a 60l tank with dividers so 3 20L sections and an external filter. The compartment just looks a little empty with just them in it.
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    Feeding Confusion

    I have a betta with an African Dwarf Frog and i've been feeding them bloodworms. I want to put in some catfish but can they eat bloodworm? I seem to remember reading somewhere that they would die if they ate worms. Also an suggestions as to what catfish to put in there? I just need some to eat...
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    A Few Pics

    is that an eel in the picture? how do the betta and the eel get along?
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    Tank Leak

    my 60l tank has a huge crack in the base and it all leaked out last night. I emptied out the water and have removed most of the sand (luckily it was cycling so there were no fish). Can i fix it with just some silicone?
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    New Tank Help

    ok now i am really worried again! everything is covered in bubbles! i can"t remember this happening in my other tank! is it normall? will it go away?
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    New Tank Help

    Just so you know when you add water to the tank use a plate or something to pour the water on don't pour the water directly on the sand or it will cause it to cloud up. Opps that might have been the problem. does that just meant it will take longer to clear? Have you added fish yet? If you...
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    New Tank Help

    i just set up my 60l tank with fluval 105. It is kinda cloudy which is normal (this happened with my other tank and lasted for a few days) but now i am scared about what happens when you havent washed the gravel/sand enough? i am quite sure i have washed it enough but i am kinda paranoid about...
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    How To Cut Down Flow Of Filter?

    i just covered to outlet with some media for now and will get some filter floss this weekend thanks
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    How To Cut Down Flow Of Filter?

    i have a elite stingray 15 internal filter. my dwarf gourami just started to build a bubble nest (i dont know why it wasn't ever ment to) and i would like it to keep building but the filter is to strong. how can i cut down to flow? the out put it really strage compared to other internal filters...
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    Can Any Cat Fish Go With African Dwarf Frogs

    i have a 20l fish tank with two adfs can i put 2 small cat fish in with the frogs?
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    New Fluval Edge And Question About Another Tank

    i wouldn't really put lego in a tank because it could be sharp and hurt the fish
  17. 1

    Breeding Tank

    i have a 60l tank with betta females and another 60l community tank with a male betta in it. now i want to get a tank for breeding the bettas. what size should this tank be?
  18. 1

    Would This Be Over Stocked?

    I have 40L tank split in two so two 20L compartments. Would 1 male betta, 2 africain dwarf frogs and three white could mountain minnows be over stocked? Also on the other compartment i am having trouble deciding how many female bettas (and maybe some other fish) to get! Any suggestions???
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    New Tank Setup - Not My First

    yeah the bubbles and the bubbles and cloudiness is quite normall. It is just because you have a new tank. The cloudiness should go away in a few days once the tank has run a bit. The bubble will go away soon. I had them on both of my tanks and they went away within a day or two.