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  1. chromide

    Croaking Catfish

    or a squeeker.
  2. chromide

    What Type Of Syno Is This?

    i think its a young featherfin mine dident have a big dorsal fin when i got him, now he does.
  3. chromide

    Mega Cloudyness Eruption!

    if the fish are fine i would just use some water clarifier its cheap and works great.
  4. chromide

    Orange Chromides

    i have 2 orange chromides and they laid some eggs 3 or 4 days ago. i have read the male guards the nest and is usually bigger than the female. well.. my female is larger and she wont let the male anywhere close to the eggs. i just want to know if this is normal or if i should get a divider. she...
  5. chromide

    Heres My Babies (Pics)

    hahaha... i agree merry christmas!!
  6. chromide

    Heres My Babies (Pics)

    fish addict ya your right..... i dont know much and you should always listen to the more exp. people. i think you should always prepare for the worst.
  7. chromide

    Unbelievable Goldfish Plays Fetch Like A Dog!

    i dident know that fish could learn tricks very cool. but that is some green water!!!
  8. chromide

    Heres My Babies (Pics)

    i like it, i dont think its overstocked some people get lucky and can do things other people cant get away with. (like keeping two fish that kill eachother.) nice tank.
  9. chromide

    Red Tail Black Shark

    i have a 55 gal with plenty of hiding places. the barbs stay in the back of the tank and my catfish is only going to get bigger so i know he will be fine. i might just get him and see what he does my local pet store will take him back, ill just be out a couple of bucks no big deal. thank you all.
  10. chromide

    Red Tail Black Shark

    another name for the catfish is featherfin he is 3 or 4 inches. the redtails at my local store are about 3 inches. so you think he will eat my 1 1\2 inches cherry barbs? i really want him.
  11. chromide

    Buying Fish Online

    i have to agree alot of pet stores have brackish fish but dont keep them in brackish water. I would buy brackish fish from someone who knows what they need. also rare fish are the way to go if i can get them localy i will its much cheaper, cause of shipping...
  12. chromide

    Red Tail Black Shark

    i am looking to get a red tail shark, does anyone own one and has any usefull info. i know all the basic info dont keep more than one, they will eat about any food... ect. i would like to no more about the behavior of the fish, i have 4 cherry barbs and i dont want them to eat or kill them. i...
  13. chromide

    Chromide Fry

    my tank is a brakish tank. i just got you book today and read that new brine shrimp are a good food for the fry. you book has answered all my questions about brackish fish thank you.
  14. chromide

    Chromide Fry

    i have 2 orange chromides and they laid some eggs. i just neet to know what to feed the fry, and when. also how much do they eat?
  15. chromide

    Help My Cherry Barb!

    well..... he seems to be fine now may have been stress from moving to a much larger tank. if he gets bad again ill go the bacterial route thank you. :rolleyes:
  16. chromide

    Help My Cherry Barb!

    it kind of is a saddle shape its a dark brown and it doesnt look like cotton. he swims and acts normal. and i dont think it is a scab so much as discoloration. his fins are also frayed and ruff looking.
  17. chromide

    Help My Cherry Barb!

    my cherry barb has a brown gunk on the top side of him, it almost looks like a scab. i added about 1 table spoon of salt to my 20 gal tank but it hasnt helped. does anyone know what the problem is? i dont want him to die!! my tank is clean i clean it once a week and i only have 3 fish in the...
  18. chromide

    Java Fern/Moss

    i am thinking about getting some java fern & moss. i have a 20 gal tank with no fish yet. are there any fish that will eat or kill the fern/moss? do i need special lights or filter? any additional info will be helpful.
  19. chromide


    that is a great idea thanks, i think ill do that. :lol:
  20. chromide

    Orange Chromide

    sounds like the book for me. ok sand sounds like a good idea. thank you.
  21. chromide


    just got a 20gal tank as a gift! what are some fish that are colorful and would work with a 20gal? and are a good price?
  22. chromide

    Orange Chromide

    will i need to have a special filter to have sand? thank you for the information you have been very helpful. i have orderd your book!
  23. chromide

    Orange Chromide

    the water is brackish... the dragon fish is a goby its long and skinny, i feed him brine shrimp and shrimp pellets. i have gravel in the tank and he seems to do fine i have had him for about 3 weeks he was the first fish i bought. i am moving the catfish and barbs to another tank soon. the...
  24. chromide


    ok... i will move the other fish to a diff. tank. they are in brackish water, thank you very helpfull info.
  25. chromide


    i have two chromides that are spawning and im not sure how to take care of them. i need to know what they eat how long it takes until they hatch. i also have a "dragon fish," 2 cherry barbs, and a bottom mouth catfish. will these fish eat the eggs or fry?
  26. chromide

    Orange Chromide

    I have 2 orange chromides, two cherry barbs, a "dragon fish" and a bottom mouth catfish, and the chromides are breeding. Im not sure what to do to ensure that everything will run smoothley. I have only had the an aquarium for a few short weeks and still new to the hobby. Any info. will help...