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  1. S

    Having Problem Sourcing Ammonia!?

    I happily went along with my set up but when trying to buy Pure Ammonia (as recommended) I hit a stone wall. Not one Pharmacy or Hardware Store, for miles around, stocks it. Perhaps they were just trying to protect me but I finally got the answer as to why this stuff just can't be bought...
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    Oneonion's First Fishless Cycle

    Sorry, Waterdrop; must be getting tired and misread your meaning. The idea of modifying the filter was taken from a tip i found on an American site and (as Onion's filter appears to be what they call a "hang-on-back" filter and very popular, over there) I thought that it must be accepted...
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    Oneonion's First Fishless Cycle

    I had a look at the Petsmart website and it says that the "Power Filter 10" is the only model that isn't adjustable, for flow... There's certainly nothing wrong with using it, and it's their recommended model for your size Tank, so I don't think it's necessary to change it but if the fast flow...
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    Oneonion's First Fishless Cycle

    Hi, OneOnion! I'm going through the cycling process also. After reading your equipment list, I thought I'd pass on a bit of information I was given with regard to filters. You're using the "Top Fin 10 Power Filter" which, as you can see from the chart below, will turnover the water in your...
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    Zebra Danio Tank Mates?

    How about White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes)? They would thrive in a strong water flow and will breed freely in a community tank. The Danio's will probably eat all their eggs though... For a "bottom feeder", but also a fish that spends some time in mid-water, the Hillstream...
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    Hot... Or What?

    Thanks for the heads-up, waterdrop. I had thought that the heater would be OK (as the bucket can hold boiling water) but I can see where touching surfaces might cause a problem. I'll put a pyrex dish in the bottom of the bucket for it to rest in and then it should be safe. I'll transfer the...
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    Hot... Or What?

    Brilliant! This really is a terrific site! The calculator says I'll need 0.53ml for a 10 litre bucket. Great advice FHM
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    Hot... Or What?

    Thanks for the fast reply, FHM! I'll put in very small amounts and monitor.
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    Hot... Or What?

    Hi, Everyone. This is a silly question but I'm not sure so I thought I'd better ask. I am running my internal filter in a bucket of water (in order to start the colonisation of bacteria before I get to set up my aquarium when it is, eventually, delivered). Do I need to put a heater in the...
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    Washing Sand

    Duly noted. And I thought Girls were an expensive hobby!
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    Setting Up Freshwater Tank

    Thanks, OldMan! Another good reference area - this time written by Keepers rather than Sellers.
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    Washing Sand

    Thanks, OldMan, I'm glad I asked! Guess I'll have to buy a bucket, though, or my Mother will kill me...
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    Setting Up Freshwater Tank

    Great site reference, Alliecat. :thanks:
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    Washing Sand

    Sand and Gravel seem to quickly ruin plastic buckets - is there any reason not to use a Galvanised one?
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    Best Way To Cycle?

    Hi, Newbie here but reading your articles with great interest! I'm sold on the fish-less cycling idea but I wondered, in order to speed things up whilst I'm waiting for my Tank , Caribsea, etc. to arrive, if it would be safe to start the internal filter running in an old goldfish bowl in order...