Search results

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    Best Small Fish? ~1 Inch

    I have a 75 gallon, and want to stock it with something like 30+ small fish like Neon Tetras, but I don't want Neon Tetras.   Any other great tiny fish?
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    Brittle Plants?

    Hi, i recently found out that my plants are really brittle, as in the leaves snap off easily. Is it because of insufficient lighting? Or insufficient supplements? The plants are currently housed in a 55G with 110W of T5 lights and so far im not dosing anything right now. Thanks
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    Black Brush Algae

    if it's on wood or decoration, just take it out, let the sun bake those suckers, and it'll dry and die so fast.
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    Overstocked For A 55 Gallon?

    I have a 55 gallon tank, with 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate, and a 7.6 PH, ~78 degrees F 1 Rainbow Shark 4, 5 or 6 Khuli Loaches (I forgot how many I should have in there...) 4 Angel Fish 6 Female Bettas 2 Albino cories (Some died) 1 Peppered cory (Some died) 1 Panda Cory (Some died) 4 Ottos 2...