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    Tiger Barbs Always On The Bottom

    hmm .. well It's heavily planted, but no plants on top .. just low to medium height plants (dwarf hygro,e tenellus, l arcuata) I guess I could try putting some mss on top ... won't really look nice though ..
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    Tiger Barbs Always On The Bottom

    Hi I have a bit of an issue with my tiger barbs, I've got 10 green tiger barbs and 15 tiger barbs and they seem to spend most of the time on the bottom.. strangely when I turn on one fixture they swim in the middle and top but with both fixtures on they collectively just sit in a cave most of...
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    thanks .. another question .. I'm considering pygmy cories but I've read that they require sand.. I have soft gravel as you can see .. would that do?
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    I have no idea what these plants are (ones one left ,tree stump and grass are fake) any ideas? sorry for double post ...
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    well I threw out the store filter media and added a filter media from a hobbyist .. that should fix it .. he also gave me his old small tank filter .. is there a point of running 2 filters in a 15 gallon tank? (smaller on the right).I have no idea what brand it is or the rate of flow but I put...
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    I was advised to take out the old filter by a friend as he said it's not from display tank but the fish room and apparently that's risky.. so hopefully I'm gonna get one from an amateur hobbyist in the area
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    thanks ps. I just got a piece of old foam from an established tank at an aquarium store for $3 .. the guys said that will speed up my cycle the only downside is it made my water cloudy .. well I guess that's a small price to pay ..
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    how long should I keep my lights on? the guys at the store said 12h... I have decided to go with: 10 pygmy rasberas , 2 Honey gouramis and 6 cherry barbs .. hope that's not too many ..
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    how do I get the bacteria from their filter pad? do I take the filter or just squeeze it into a bag of water and take it home?
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    just came back from a local fish store where I bougt coraline aqualight dual linear T5 (24') lighting (pretty much the only thing they had) and one of the employees gave me a bag of about a gallon of water from an already established tank, saying that it will speed up my cycle ... He also gave...
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    hmm .. 10 pygmy rasberas , 2 Honey gourami and 6 cherry barbs sounds great .. but wouldn't that be too much? I was also wondering if I should get a second filter pad ( I noticed ,my filter penguin 150 has a space for a 2nd pad) do I have to get substrata for my live plants? all I have so far...
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    Beginner With A 15 Gallon Tank

    Hi I just started cycling a new 15 gallon tank (which isn't going too well) would that combo of fish be ok after I'm done cycling?. I was told at the store that since I got a filter rated for 30 gallons(marineland penguin 150) I can have more fish. 4 rasberas 4 cherry barbs 2 dwarf gouramis...